Weight keeps jumping back up

I started my weight loss on September 30th at 244lbs I want to lose about 130 that's my goal. I go to the gym every day and do cardio and a little strength training. I weigh myself everyday because I like to graph my progress. Anyways 3 days ago I got on the scale and I weighed 236 and I finally felt like I was making some progress. But today it jumped back up to 238lbs. I have been staying under my calorie range I'm suppose to be in. I only drink water. I even take my measurements and they went up this last week as well. I feel like I'm not making any progress and when I do my weight just goes right back up. Idk I guess for a month of hard work I was expecting to have lost alittle more than 6lbs. Any one else experience their weight going right back up after it drops?


  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Weight fluctuates. I suggest getting an app like Happy Scale or Libra (both are free). They let you enter all your weight data and it smooths our rogue data points to give you a trend.

    Weight loss has more to do with eating than exercise and really doesn't have anything to do with water consumption. How are you measuring your food? It might be a good idea to get a food scale IF your weight continues to go up. That said, going up 1 day is not a trend; it's a single point of demotivational data.
  • GrumpyHeadmistress
    GrumpyHeadmistress Posts: 666 Member
    Try the stickied post in “Most Helpful Posts” called something like “weight loss isn’t linear”.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    Try the stickied post in “Most Helpful Posts” called something like “weight loss isn’t linear”.

    Here's the link: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10084670/it-is-unlikely-that-you-will-lose-weight-consistently-i-e-weight-loss-is-not-linear/p1