Looking for awesome people!

joyily562 Posts: 35 Member
edited October 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I am looking to add friends on the same struggle as I am! I'm a mom of three girls and usually SUPER busy I never had time to exercise....this time around I am motivated and determined to get healthier for my kids for myself...My first two daughters had their Dad pass away of unknown hepatitis and the sad part was he was a healthy man never did drugs does not smoke or drink and yet he was gone too early at the age of 24. I was devastated and started to workout to ease the pain. Lost 50lbs in 1 year....now I met my new love and we had a daughter together and I gained all my weight back plus some lol. I have hypertension and was pre diabetic..but I started tracking and working out and now ive lost 68 lbs in 7 months! .I could use some awesome people to help me stay motivated...thanks for taking the time to read!
