Sipping coffee + meal planning ... my morning routine

I'm sitting here snuggling my pup, sipping hot coffee and planning out my meals for the day in MFP.

And it feels soooo effing good.

For me, it feels like I'm taking charge, I'm powerful enough to make changes and like I'm saying YES to something better.

(I also like to take this time to journal) I dig deep into the blocks that are coming up for me, so I can shed some light on them (and ultimately weaken their strength over me)

How do you guys spend your mornings? I would love to hear everyone's self-care routines!

Comment below and let me know!
Xo Kelly


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,170 Member
    How do you guys spend your mornings?

    I pry my eyes open and tell myself that if I'm going to have any hope of catching the last bus, I'd better get moving.

    Quick jog through the toilet & shower, with a stop to weigh myself, of course ... throw on some clothes, hopefully I've had the sense to pick something the night before ... tug on shoes or boots on my way down the hall ... grab my package of frozen veg and a yogurt and pop them into my backpack ... rub on a bit of makeup and blow dry my hair just enough so that it isn't soaking ... on with the jacket and out the door to quick walk/run to the bus.

    I can do the whole thing and be waiting for the bus in half an hour. :)

    Then a big black coffee and tall glass of water moments after I arrive at work. :)

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Bathroom (toilet, weigh, shower, hair done)
    Dressed (with as much of my evening gym outfit incorporated in to my work outfit because I can't be bothered packing or changing so many clothes)
    Gym bag packed. Work bag packed. Lunch bag packed with food planned and prepped on the weekend.
    Out the door.
    Coffee and water once I've arrived at work.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Wake up, bathroom, scale. Coffee, coffee then breakfast (logged as I make it) and tea. then a run around 10 or 11 am (still morning). Based on the size of my breakfast, i usually get an idea for lunch and sometimes set a reminder to turn on the oven at X time to make lunch if I want.

    Logging is so empowering. Couldn't agree more. I'm in control of my day and my size.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    wake up, spend 10 minutes on MFP, shower, dress, make up, pint of water, leave for work.

    week days i usually log the night before when i make my breakfast and lunch to take to work. weekends its more log as i eat.
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 356 Member
    edited October 2017
    I'm sitting here snuggling my pup, sipping hot coffee and planning out my meals for the day in MFP.

    And it feels soooo effing good.

    For me, it feels like I'm taking charge, I'm powerful enough to make changes and like I'm saying YES to something better.

    (I also like to take this time to journal) I dig deep into the blocks that are coming up for me, so I can shed some light on them (and ultimately weaken their strength over me)

    How do you guys spend your mornings? I would love to hear everyone's self-care routines!

    Comment below and let me know!
    Xo Kelly

    This is how I spend my nights (minus the coffee). I like planning my whole week of meals in advance. I do this so I know what to buy when I grocery shop on the weekends. I don't waste food or time figuring out what I'm going to do for dinner that day. I'm glad I'm not the only one that enjoys meal planning. I feel like it gives me a sense of power or control of my day/week. And it's like a puzzle. I have my macros, so what can I make fit into this tiny puzzle of food prep. Makes me happy just writing about it. haha
    1. But my mornings consist of wake up with only two snoozes of the alarm so I don't wake the dogs/hubs.
    2. Sneak to the bathroom to do my business while I hop on MFP and catch up with everyone's diaries/brush my teeth, take my fish oil/probiotic/multivitamin
    3. Head to the kitchen and grab my oats and greek yogurt and PB and make my pre-workout food.
    4. Feed the fish while I'm waiting for the oats to settle in the stomach.
    5. Grab my lunchbox in the fridge with my meals for the day, head out the door for the gym (gym bag is already packed and in my car so it's one less thing to worry about in the morning) and then work follows the gym.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    My mornings are mostly crazy and chaotic getting the kids ready and daughter to school. No matter how organized I try to get the night before or in the morning, someone always throws a wrench in it.. there are always tears and tantrums. Haha. Oh well.

    I don't log or plan or meal prep.. but I do come on MFP to socialize.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm sitting here snuggling my pup, sipping hot coffee and planning out my meals for the day in MFP.

    And it feels soooo effing good.

    For me, it feels like I'm taking charge, I'm powerful enough to make changes and like I'm saying YES to something better.

    (I also like to take this time to journal) I dig deep into the blocks that are coming up for me, so I can shed some light on them (and ultimately weaken their strength over me)

    How do you guys spend your mornings? I would love to hear everyone's self-care routines!

    Comment below and let me know!
    Xo Kelly

    My weekday mornings are chaotic AF...two boys 5 & 7 to get up and get fed and dressed and ready for school...there's always a temper tantrum or two as my 5 year old is not a morning person n the least...quick shower after my wife's long one...grab my lunch box from the fridge and hit the road for my hour long commute 3x per week...2x per week I work in another office closer to home, but it's just as hectic because those are the days I have to take my kids to school...and they never want to go to school so I'm pretty much dragging them out of the house by their backpacks.