Holidays are coming up



  • LilyGetsFitNow
    LilyGetsFitNow Posts: 119 Member
    If you'd like support during this Holiday season there is a group specifically designed to help, if interested!

    In the past I always seem to gain around 10 lbs during this time because I literally stuff my face for 2 months straight. So, instead I'm going to focus on eating right and resisting temptations, for the most part. So, I'm not limiting myself completely. The actual holidays themselves (Thanksgiving and Christmas) I will track but allow myself small portions of what I wouldn't normally eat. I don't want to be disappointed again this year with how I handle this season. So, I'm challenging myself to lose weight over these next 2 months instead of gain and of course to continue strong starting the New Year and beyond!

    Honestly, its a choice and a decision that we have to make. We have to decide what do we ultimately want. It will be very easy to go overboard. My advice (that I'm going with) is to not restrict yourself completely, but allow yourself some of those indulgences but small portions and stay within your calorie goal for the day. Eat less for breakfast/lunch/snacks to make up for the extra calories that will be consumed at a work/family/friend event, etc. Continue to track your food!

    Good luck!