Sauces from a packet/jar?

Today will be my 4th day of eating healthy and watching my calories. So far I've been under my calorie/salt/fat/carb goal each day but I'm not a great cook and my food knowledge isn't the best.

The first day I ate such bland food that I actually felt as though I felt as though I wanted to be sick. The last two days I've had the same meal twice a day which is nice but I'd like some variety in my food. The very last thing I want is to associate healthy eating with boring food.

As I'm a big fan of stir frys I've decided to experiment with different sauces. Before I go out buying sauces I'd just like to know if they are okay to eat on a daily basis or do I need to avoid them? If I need to avoid them is there something I can use as a substitute?



  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Weight Watchers sauces.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Have you thought about making your own? I make my own red sauce (which can be turned into a meat, vodka, or red cream sauce), tzatziki (which I use for falafel, on red meats, and with veggies and salad since it's basically replaced ranch dressing for me), vinaigrettes, different types of ketchups, salsas, and make a lot of sauces with the fond from where I browned meat and different types of stock. There are lots of different ways to use them and usually preparing them yourself is healthier since you know exactly what goes into it. But what I like about it is that is it usually cheaper. I'll make huge batches of sauces and they freeze really well. So I have a bunch of jars in my freezer and then a few of each sauce in my fridge to use whenever the mood strikes. Pretty much all you need is a pot, stick blender (sometimes, not always), and the ingredients. It's also a fun way to experiment with flavors.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    They are ok, I use the blue dragon chow mein one in my stir frys. Just keep an eye on them for sodium levels if you are going to have one every day.

    Healthy food doesn't have to be bland either - use herbs and spices to your advantage. I eat all the things you would label as typically high calorie food - curries, chicken nuggets, burgers, chips, etc, but I cook it all from scratch, and according to my other half they are better than shop bought ones, and he's a chef, so I take that as a compliment. :laugh:

    Sauces are easy to make too, if you could give us some idea on what you are after we may be able to help. Or post a thread in the recipes section, I'm sure you will get plenty of ideas.