First week here

Hi there, my name is Jenna and I am 28 years old. Weight has always been a part of my life. I've always felt like the fat kid. Over the past 3 years I have gained 40 lb, which looking at that number doesn't seem like a lot. At the same time when I look at my body I feel disgusted. Earlier this year, I did the keto diet and exercised. Doing that I lost 20 pounds. It is now October and I have gained all those back and more. I want to make a lifestyle change, become more active and eat healthier. In the past, I have been great at short-term diets, but always seem to gain it back. I am not looking for a quick fix. I want to build healthy habits, especially getting back into an exercise routine. Right now, I am Limited and the exercise I can do because of some neck problems, but I am still trying to build healthy habits bye walking every morning and Counting calories. I have found this community helpful in resisting temptation and motivating me to continue these changes. I consider myself a very positive and encouraging person. Feel free to friend me and I will cheer you on and your successes and hope you do the same for me.


  • Tim_Veal
    Tim_Veal Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Jenna - I have been on My Fitness Pal for a while but new to the community/forum.
    I have looked into Keto extensively. There are some who believe in it, but I am not one of them. I've started down the path of a whole food plant based eating plan. This, to me, is the cleanest way to eat. Have you ever looked into plant-based eating? I don't know if it's THE answer, but it seems like a good approach to me.
    You've made a great first step... I hope you find encouragement, accountability and support here!