Enough/too any calories ??

Hi all

I'm currently on 1400 per day. MFP advised 1200. Websites advise different????

My current weight is 14 st 2lb. I'm 5ft 9.

I don't get a huge amount of exercise at mo. this will change in the coming weeks. Also I feel like I'm retaining water. It's not TOTM so its not that. Tried using aqua ban. I'm drinking at least two litres a day. Scales seem to be going up.

Help on both would be appreciated please.

Feel free to add me


  • nichi123
    nichi123 Posts: 244
    I would try the advised 1200. That's what I started on ages ago because I had so much to lose but as I lost weight my limit was automatically highered. There may be other factors like water, as you said. Give it a go :)
  • KelCanDoThis
    KelCanDoThis Posts: 83 Member
    I was going to ask a few of my friends too. Just thought I'd ask out the box for some opinions

    Cheers Hun

  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    If you aren't very active then 1200 sounds right (my SW was 233 lb and that was the base calorie amount that MFP gave - i added in my exercise cals. since then i've changed my program to TDEE minus %. I exercise 5-7 days a week, gym, cardio plus weights).
  • Hello,

    I'm currently on 1200, but do allow myself to use up to 1400 for special occasions.
    I've had periods of not exercising very much, and tend to lose 1/2 lb on these weeks.
    How are you allocating your calories for the day? Also are you monitoring the % of fat in your foods?

    I break my day up like this:

    Breakfast = 200 cals
    Lunch = 300 cals
    Dinner = 400 cals

    I allow myself 100 cals for snacks during the day.
    The remaing 200 cals I use for milk in my hot drinks.

    I have lost 11lbs in 5 weeks so far using this method. It's been a great way to start getting control over my eat anything I want attitude (which has got me to the size I am now!)

    Good luck with your journey, I'm sure you'll be at target before you know it :-)
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    HI chick

    I'm about your height and I weigh (thanks google for telling me in st / lb lol ) 13 st 3 lb. I eat 1800 cals a day, which is about 150 above my BMR. I do a bit of exercise but nothing crazy.

    Have you worked out your BMR and TDEE? That'll give you a really good indication. I like this one http://thefitgirls.com/tdee-calculator.aspx

    Happy to friend you if you want :)