Flabby skin....remedies???

Is there anyway to tighten flabby skin other than under surgery???


  • changeconsumeme
    changeconsumeme Posts: 229 Member
    Loose skins happens. Lifting or some kind of resistance training can help!
  • superTiffers
    superTiffers Posts: 1 Member
    Nothing really helps other than surgery if its excessive. You can try toning, drinking a crap ton of water every day but you may be stuck with it. (Its a pain in the neck as ive been trying to get rid of mine too after losing over 140lbs but i have yet to find something that works)
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Time? If that doesn't help then surgery. It's a crapshoot and dependent on genetics more than anything else.