
My name is Jess. I'm 21 years old, and am looking to lose some weight. My goal is to lose weight in a healthy and enjoyable way (or as enjoyable as it can be). My weight has been a big deal to me for awhile now, and I just completed the Body and Soul Transformation 20 pounds in 6 weeks successfully the first challenge, and for the second challenge I fell short by a few pounds, but I am determined to continue with my weight loss journey and to keep up the motivation I had before! I just joined LA Fitness in my area and when I did the 6 week weight loss challenge, there was a Facebook group where everyone would post things like how they were feeling or what they ate, in order to improve their chances of success. I found that this was a big help for me, so I'm hoping to continue that support through the use of this blog. Thank you and good luck to everyone!


  • MeechyLA
    MeechyLA Posts: 159 Member
    Welcome and congrats on the 20lbs loss! MFP friends have been fantastic for me, if you're active, you'll get all the support you need to achieve your goals :smile: