how do I get past just doing it a day? Just one day? (then the next, the next, etc)

Been on/off this sight for a year. Every time I "start again" it's because I can't seem to just do it for one day! I log in my food for breakfast/lunch, but then dinner rolls around and I want to eat what I want and have my wine (2 glasses). That ruins it for the day, cause then I want dessert, etc. so I blow it. Frustrating. I know what I need to do - just do it!! does anyone else have the same issue?


  • QueenBee2018
    QueenBee2018 Posts: 196 Member
    For me it worked to make a commitment to track every bite and swallow, even if the number is over my goal for the day I will track it. Build the tracking habit and you will gradually make informed choices that work for you!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Plan your whole day better, including dessert. If that means you trim a little from your breakfast and lunch to have all you want for dinner, drinks, and dessert, that's what you have to do.
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    I sometimes prelog my entire day, or I have days like this morning when I grabbed whatever I could find and brought it work with me for lunch, once I got here, I logged it all and am keeping it there to see what I actually eat today, if I get rid of one or two things today, Ill have alot of calories left for dinner, if I eat everything I will have few calories for dinner, but enough that I know I could be satisfied with it. The other thing I almost always prelog is my dessert, its almost always a 100 calorie Yasso greek yogurt bar, but I know that if I dont prelog it I just will eat it anyways at the end of the day and be over.
  • FitGamerSmoak
    FitGamerSmoak Posts: 224 Member
    I generally log everything in the morning, add my exercise and make a decision based on what my day looks like as to what I can have in the evening. it's about planning and determination. If you are determined you can do it. but you have to be realistic, if you want dessert every night you have to plan your calories for it. Same with the wine. But instead of counting one day as a complete failure and taking that on through the next days, if you mess up just start again right away. You sound like you don't want to take anything out of your diet and still lose weight, then you need to at least decrease the portions and add more exercise.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 142 Member
    I tend to only take it one day at a time. Only when I have things planed for the weekend to I look ahead. We stopped by junk foods so that way it is easier to take it 1 day at a time. I try to input all my calories first thing in the morning so I can play with the numbers if I want something extra. This past weekend was my annul Halloween party/ birthday party. Going into the food planning I made desserts I don't like. We made a lot of meat choices and I wore my corset there is only so much you can eat when the strings are pulled tight. My only down fall was lots of fruity cocktails and the following day I had carbs because I was hungover. But today is a new day and I will get back on track. I know this weeks will be a little carb heavy to finish off the party foods but I put my calories in this morning and I still have 400 if I decide I need more. If you know you have bad dinners eat less calories during the day. 1 bad day isn't going to ruin everything.
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    Why can't you prelog breakfast, lunch AND dinner, AND have what you want?? Then you'll see if you have room for wine (maybe one glass, but still) OR dessert.

    I always do this and it's the only way I can stand to log for the whole day. It gives me a way to plan food out so that if I have room for a treat I'll log it, if not I'll move things around or just exercise more to earn it. Either way I'm still in a deficit and still losing weight.
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    When you first start will be hard but once you continue to do it logging will become a habit and before you know it second nature.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    There’s no rule that you can only log “good” meals. Start by logging everything you eat-even the wine and desserts. Next, if your “good” is Breakfast is 1/2 a piece of fruit and looking wistfully at a piece of toast, Lunch is finally eating that piece of toast and 1/2 cup of dry salad, it’s no wonder you’re all done with that nonsense by dinner and wanting to actually eat some food. I’m making assumptions here, but log everything, have a reasonable and sustainable meal plan.
  • kaseykofoed
    kaseykofoed Posts: 8 Member
    They say it takes about two weeks to break a habbit. Some a little longer of course. Eating crappy and whatever you want is a bad habbit.
    You need to put your mind to it. And be prepared to cut out what you indulge in. Indulgence is partially why we gain weight.
    Start by cutting down to one glass of wine. Sip on it slowly to prolong it. Find desserts that have less calories. Or even wines that have less calories.
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    Personally, I'd pack up all the wine in the house for a month. Stick it in a box and tape it shut. When I drink at all, my impulse control over food goes out the window.

    Pre-logging the entire day, including some dessert worked for me when I first started. Also setting a slow weight loss goal - better to lose 0.5-1 lb per week and keep it off than to lose fast and regain it later.

    If you keep the wine, measure how many ounces in your glass to log it - you may be drinking more than you think.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    A few suggestions to add to the great ones above....

    1. Set your goal to lose .5# per week until you get some momentum

    2. Look at what you’re eating and substitute more filling foods as needed, especially high fiber fruits and veggies

    3. Unless you’re legit hungry or need to fuel morning workouts, cut back breakfast calories and add them back later in the day

    4. If you cut out wine Mon-Weds that saves you 720 calories (assuming your pour is really 5oz) that you can add to other meals throughout the week
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    You want to have dessert? Where is it coming from? If you keep a bunch of convenient dessert foods around the house they're going to get eaten (at least until you break the habit). Make things easy on yourself. Take the foods that ruin your goals out of the house. Eat that stuff when you go out instead. Otherwise you're setting yourself up for failure.

    Right now you seem to be making the classic mistake of trying to rely on willpower and then beating yourself up when it fails. You need to accept that it will always eventually fail. Instead of getting down on yourself, try and step back and think analytically about how to solve this problem. For example: don't keep junk food around the house, save up calories by eating less for breakfast and lunch, drink one glass of wine or switch to whiskey on the rocks, etc.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    agree with whomever said to log it even if you are way over calories. No matter what before you put something in your mouth log it. For two weeks this should be your entire goal love what you are actually eating accurately and to the best of your ability before you eat it. Once you have gotten into the habit of logging and then you can start to decrease what you are eating