Looking For Fellow (Active) Keto Dieters

I've been on this amazing diet for over a year now. I keep falling off the wagon due to erratic work schedules. When I got back into it this time, I lost 14 Lbs in two months.
New to MFP Community, and I log everyday. Looking for friends who are on Keto and log everyday, to help motivate me and hold me accountable. More than happy to reciprocate. I've done a tonne of research on Keto, so I'm happy to give advice on issues I'm well versed with.

Happy Keto, y'all!


  • JustDeke
    JustDeke Posts: 53 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've logged everyday for the past 200ish or so days and am happy to answer questions and provide support. I'm Keto with a paleo lean. (My net carbs are 10% due to my activity requirements.)
  • rchelen
    rchelen Posts: 46 Member
    How do I add friends? I can't seem to find the button that says "add friend" lol
  • phil_zz
    phil_zz Posts: 7 Member
    Added the two of you. :)