Exercising twice a day?



  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    bricynmom wrote: »
    I want to but with this new KETO diet I honestly don't think that I have the strength to. Currently I work out at gym 3days a week and when given the chance I walk the track while my son is at football practice- Good luck

    Then why do KETO? Sorry, I just don't understand these fad diets......

    OP - I'm a big believer in recovery. If we push ourselves too much we hurt our progress. Having said that, I have worked out twice on occasion but only if I my training requires it. I never do it 'just because' or to burn more.

    Good luck.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    jdlobb wrote: »
    I'm taking a week of mandatory vacation soon, and I don't have anywhere to go or anything better to do, so I'm going to double down and hit the gym twice a day the whole week, just destroy myself for the week.

    Metcon in the morning, strength training in the evening.

    Very good. Same situation here, and I thought I'd do treadmill every day along with whatever other physical activity was done. Nothing as structured as you, but I figured vacation should allow me to do a bit more than when I'm working.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    I do more. I start at 4am, try to do 45 to 60 minutes., then 9 or 10ish, another 45 to 60 mins., then around 1ish, same thing, different sport, all outside, wether it is minus 30, rains, snow, I go out in it. I walk, run, bike, kangoojumps, roller blade, snowshoe, skate, ski, on and on, every day I try to find new things to do, its a high, I feel so good afterwards.