Women and lifting



  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    <-- Squats 205
    Deadlifts 205
    Benchs 85
    Rows 135, and can do 2 pullups
    Overhead Presses 50

    Not bulky. Lift as heavy as you can with correct form. How much muscle definition you have is a function of your body fat levels not so much how much you lift. Unless you are planning on spending years doing bulk and cut cycles (plus possibly steroids), you will not develop enough muscle mass to be "bulky"
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    You dont' need to do a lot of weight just higher reps and keep your cals in check.

    Completely wrong. Low weight/high reps is good for fat loss, not muscle gain. Endurance lifting vs. Muscle Building lifting.

    And to get "bulky", you'll have to lift massive amounts of weight for years, and eat like a freaking elephant. There's a very strong possibility that this won't happen to you.
  • MarioLozano16
    MarioLozano16 Posts: 319 Member
    You won't get bulky
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    As a woman, you'd find it extremely hard to get anywhere close to bulky. We just don't have the same hormones as men, that allow them to put on significant muscle size.

    If that was your goal then you'd have to eat lots (a surplus) to gain fat and muscle, train in a way that was best for hypertrophy (8-12 reps), eat more, no doubt take some form of "help" (steroids..growth hormones), eat more, and be patient. It takes years to add size even when pretty much your whole life is about training.

    Lift heavy, something that challenges you. 3lb dumbells (or any weight for that matter that you can lift with ease) is not going to get you anywhere except better at lifting that weight multiple times (endurance). Find a weight that you can lift for around 6-8 reps or less. The last 2 should be a struggle, with good form. When you can complete your target sets/reps, move up the weight. You will get stronger, and probably gain a little bit of muscle in the early days unless you're in a huge deficit (at your weight, I doubt you are) but nothing major so don't worry. Extra muscle helps to burn fat, so it'll be easier to stay lean :) As long as you're not eating in a surplus, you won't gain fat either.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    As much as you can while eating at a calorie deficit. Your body can't grow muscles out of thin air.

    ^ This.

    Lift for strength - around 5 reps per set. Add weight as often as you're able. If you can lift it 5 times for 3-5 sets, add weight next time.

    Stop losing body fat if you feel you're getting too ripped looking.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    If you work really hard, and lift really heavy, you might get as bulky as these girls:

    ^^this is the best link for OP

    Check it out. Read their stories. Lift, eat, be fabulous!
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Women and lifting, brings to mind...
