Did anyone else grow up with obese parents or family members?

Just curious.


  • daisyfields79
    daisyfields79 Posts: 69 Member
    Yes, my Mom was but she lost it all.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    My father tended to be overweight but due to his work he had to watch his weight and be weighed every year.
    My mother was a little under weight perhaps and had weird eating and exercise routines.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yep. My mum is morbidly obese - she's always been overweight but gained a lot when she stopped smoking aged 40 and never lost it.

    My dad was overweight but not massively so.

    My mum has a load of health problems, which is why I want to be healthy now so I don't end up like her.
  • amandacalories
    amandacalories Posts: 107 Member
    Both my parents and my older brother were overweight/obese. My brother lost the weight in his 20's and my dad also lost a ton of weight. My mom and I hung on to it but we're both trying to lose now.

    My parents treated food as a reward and we would eat out often and have really savory foods which caused massive weight gain. That has followed me into adulthood and I have to really work on not rewarding myself after a long day with food.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    My dad was overweight/obese (not sure of his exact classification) and was forever on some sort of fad diet imposed on him by my mum.
    (none of them worked.. Surprise surprise)

    My mum was tiny, and ate like a sparrow. She was in to the low fat thing.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    My dad wasn't obese. He had what he called a winter weight and a summer weight though! Apparently when he was much younger he was overweight until joining RAF and then lost it all and kept it off. Mum has always struggled with her weight for as long as i can remember. She lost so much after dad died. I'd estimate at least 4st/50-60lbs and has yoyo'd since then.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Some of my earliest memories of my mother was her trying the latest weight-loss fad. Master Cleanse anyone?

    She wasn't obese at the time, but every year a few more kg more landed on her hips and she tried yet another fad to lose it and is obese now.
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    My mum was always overweight when I was growing up. It was difficult for her because she had four children in very short succession. I remember her being large in my early childhood but I don't know if that was body fat or pregnancy! I have seen pictures of her before children and she was probably a similar size then to what I am now. She has now lost weight and is pretty tiny. My sister and I definitely take after her in body shape. Slim legs, large bust and waist, short stature and petite bone structure. So I imagine I will probably look like her when I am older.

    My dad on the other hand was always ridiculously skinny. He played (field) hockey and was always very active but with very little muscle mass. He still enjoyed his food and beer and never had to worry about what he ate. Then suddenly he hit 50 and a beer belly appeared overnight! My Grampy (his dad) is the same, skinny everywhere apart from his stomach. One of my brothers takes after them and is currently very skinny whereas my other brother was chubby as a teenager but is now pretty muscular. He takes much more after my maternal grandfather who was always stocky before he became frail.

    I think that genetics definitely play a part in where you store your fat but when it comes to weight gain that is far more environmental.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yes. Obesity is fairly common in my area, though many people who are obese would say that they just have a few pounds to lose. For most women, there's only 30 pounds between healthy and obese but people think that the spread is bigger than that.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    my mom was always on a diet...not that she was fat...she wasn't.

    My father would go up and down (he died at 30 so there is that) depending on his job...aka working in the woods vs driving truck.

    I have extended family however that were always big...aunts cousins etc and some died due to their issues.

    I was overweight almost my son's entire life...not obese but fat for sure.

    I have a step sister who is obese

    my brothers currently all need to lose weight.

  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    All of my immediate family is/was overweight/obese at one time or another.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    edited October 2017
    My mom was off and on weight watchers from as long as I can remember. Dad was always slim. Lost them both at a relatively young age. Mom's was not a condition that is typically weight-related, but Dad's was.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Everyone except for one aunt
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yep, everyone was overweight too. Except my freakish brother who was one of those 'can eat everything he wants and doesn't gain weight' type (now he's 41 though and does have to watch what he eats).
  • HitTheRoad
    HitTheRoad Posts: 7 Member
    My mom has always been tiny. I guess you could say she eats what she likes, just smaller portions, if you consider that to be no breakfast, lunch of snacking on chips and a few raw veggies and then minimal evening eating, just wine. She has made comments about everyone’s weight as long as I can remember.

    My dad has had some periods of being overweight, mostly in the 80s when eating business lunches out every day was a thing. He’s mostly been normal weight.

    My sister and I have mostly been normal weight, with a few overweight periods, no obesity. My brother has always been thin but is now overweight in his 30s, though not obese.

    Extended family is the same. Mostly normal, a few who are/have been overweight. No obesity. We are all in the Midwest.
  • JillianRumrill
    JillianRumrill Posts: 335 Member
    edited October 2017
    Yes. My mom and the majority of her side of the family are overweight or obese. My grandparents were overweight. I think there's a genetic component- either predisposition to obesity or predisposition to anxiety which leads to obesity (stress eating). My dad is overweight, but that's due to poor diet. Back in the 90s he lost a bunch of weight from going running. But he eventually gained some of it back. He's very active. My mom almost died from diabetes a few years ago. I don't wanna take after her.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    No. My dad is thin, always has been. My mom has fluctuated between somewhat overweight (maybe 20 lbs?) and normal.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    All the adults in my family were morbidly obese...... as a child I was actually underweight and the doctors were constantly on at my mother to feed me more, give me extra treats etc
    My mum couldn't cook. Every meal either came out a box in the freezer to be served with chips or was a takeaway/restaurant meal

    I started packing on weight at puberty despite attending dance classes, gymnastics and swimming every day of the week

    I would be accused of secretly eating food despite being constantly monitored, turned out I have pcos
    I then purposefully gained several stone age 18 after being attacked

    My parents are still obese thou not as big as before. My mum has vascular alzhimers, in a home since late 50's where they calorie control anything given to her due to her needing to be lifted for all cares as she's immobile

    My dad lost weight due to I'll health too and he needed knee replacements