Halloween Transformation Tuesday

LauraSrock18 Posts: 125 Member
edited October 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
Pictures definitely help me stay focused and appreciate my progress! The left was last years halloween & Right was last weekend! Definitely puts things in perspective! I will allow myself some treats and plan my day accordingly!

Has anyone else noticed that halfway through their weight loss journey things kind on slow down? Ive lost 27 & have 20lbs to go and it’s been so difficult! I’ve heard the last half of weight is harder to lose so interested if anyone else has experienced this?




  • vcampos1984
    vcampos1984 Posts: 3 Member
    edited October 2017
    The more weight you lose the harder it gets. Therefore, you can't keep doing the exact same thing. I am 5'7 and was weighting 178 pounds. I then lost 40 lbs in 9 weeks. In the beginning I could lose 4-5 pounds a week by eating 1500 calories a day and burning 300 calories in the treadmill every day.

    After about 4 weeks the weight loss got much slower. So I started increasing my treadmill efforts every 2 weeks by burning 100 calories more and started reducing my caloric intake little by little. I got to the point where now I burn 800 calories in an hour at the treadmill. I am down to 130 pounds and can see 4 of my 6 packs. I still got a few pounds to get to my goal, but I can still lose 3-4 pounds a week if I do all I am supposed to.

    To summarize, keep raising the bar on how much you burn and lowering your caloric intake little by little. This way your body doesn't get used to it. And DO NOT CHEAT!!! Cheating for just one day can make you gain what took you a week to lose (happened to me once and I never made that mistake again).
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    The more weight you lose the harder it gets. Therefore, you can't keep doing the exact same thing. I am 5'7 and was weighting 178 pounds. I then lost 40 lbs in 9 weeks. In the beginning I could lose 4-5 pounds a week by eating 1500 calories a day and burning 300 calories in the treadmill every day.

    After about 4 weeks the weight loss got much slower. So I started increasing my treadmill efforts every 2 weeks by burning 100 calories more and started reducing my caloric intake little by little. I got to the point where now I burn 800 calories in an hour at the treadmill. I am down to 130 pounds and can see 4 of my 6 packs. I still got a few pounds to get to my goal, but I can still lose 3-4 pounds a week if I do all I am supposed to.

    To summarize, keep raising the bar on how much you burn and lowering your caloric intake little by little. This way your body doesn't get used to it. And DO NOT CHEAT!!! Cheating for just one day can make you gain what took you a week to lose (happened to me once and I never made that mistake again).

    No surprise to me that you found it hard after that. You most certainly lost a significant amount of muscle.

    OP - The less you weigh, the less you burn. This effect is enhanced if your weight loss included significant muscle. Readjust you calories intake until you start losing again.

    Good luck.
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    The more weight you lose the harder it gets. Therefore, you can't keep doing the exact same thing. I am 5'7 and was weighting 178 pounds. I then lost 40 lbs in 9 weeks. In the beginning I could lose 4-5 pounds a week by eating 1500 calories a day and burning 300 calories in the treadmill every day.

    After about 4 weeks the weight loss got much slower. So I started increasing my treadmill efforts every 2 weeks by burning 100 calories more and started reducing my caloric intake little by little. I got to the point where now I burn 800 calories in an hour at the treadmill. I am down to 130 pounds and can see 4 of my 6 packs. I still got a few pounds to get to my goal, but I can still lose 3-4 pounds a week if I do all I am supposed to.

    To summarize, keep raising the bar on how much you burn and lowering your caloric intake little by little. This way your body doesn't get used to it. And DO NOT CHEAT!!! Cheating for just one day can make you gain what took you a week to lose (happened to me once and I never made that mistake again).

    So this strategy is a very good way to wreck your health. Don't do it.

  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    The more weight you lose the harder it gets. Therefore, you can't keep doing the exact same thing. I am 5'7 and was weighting 178 pounds. I then lost 40 lbs in 9 weeks. In the beginning I could lose 4-5 pounds a week by eating 1500 calories a day and burning 300 calories in the treadmill every day.

    After about 4 weeks the weight loss got much slower. So I started increasing my treadmill efforts every 2 weeks by burning 100 calories more and started reducing my caloric intake little by little. I got to the point where now I burn 800 calories in an hour at the treadmill. I am down to 130 pounds and can see 4 of my 6 packs. I still got a few pounds to get to my goal, but I can still lose 3-4 pounds a week if I do all I am supposed to.

    To summarize, keep raising the bar on how much you burn and lowering your caloric intake little by little. This way your body doesn't get used to it. And DO NOT CHEAT!!! Cheating for just one day can make you gain what took you a week to lose (happened to me once and I never made that mistake again).

    The opposite of all of this is the way to go to improve your health. She should've been losing a pound/week at most starting at that weight, and now should only be losing .5/week. That was a fast way to lose a lot of lean mass, and lower your calories burned.