Goodbye Weight Watchers - Again and probably for good



  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    Personally i feel like WW had a sweet spot a few versions ago. It focused people on making healthy choices, having space for a few reasonable treats, and being aware of what they were putting in their face. As they continue to change the program, I feel like it gets more and more gimicky. I appreciate what I learned while doing the program years ago, but i feel I'm better off now doing IF and calorie tracking.
  • azironasun
    azironasun Posts: 137 Member
    I used WW many years ago with success. For a beginner, if you know nothing about food, calories and macros, it's a safe place to start. Once you understand more about calories and macros, MFP is a much better program because it lets you adjust your macros and calories to what works for you. Many people here on MFP have outgrown WW.