Just wondering if there are any ostomates out there

Dollfun1 Posts: 42 Member
Today is my first week anniversary on MFP and I have been curious if there are any other people on here who have an ostomy or ostomies.

My story is this: In 2004 I found out that I had a common type of cancer located in a very uncommon place (which completely baffled all of my doctors and the cancer board members at the various hospitals that I had tests and/or treatments). I went through chemo, radiation, and surgery (several surgeries). My first major surgery is when I was blessed with my colostomy at which time the surgeon so graciously destroyed my bladder (tried to blame me for it and years later when I was on my feet I decided to get a copy of the operating room notes and discovered that the idiot poked a whole in my bladder - how I wish I could have sued the hell out of him) approximately two years later (and after several more small surgeries) I had to go in to have my bladder completely by passed and I was blessed with a urostomy.

My self image has been completely wrecked and I am now working hard to get my extra weight off so I can be healthier and feel better about myself even with these ostomies that I am stuck with for the rest of my life. I'm very blessed to have a fiancé who is so supportive and believes that I am beautiful no matter what. But, I however still struggle to see what he sees (because I see the things he does not - like the ostomies and I am very self-conscious about them).

This is an embarrassing post, but I thought I would try to reach out to others who might be in the same or similar situation as me.

Please, if you do not understand my medical condition or that of others be supportive - it is not easy for some of us to open up like this.

Best wishes and good luck to you all.



  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    Thanks for posting! I hope your journey is going well and that you are keeping healthy and strong!