12 wk cut over - tell me what to do next

5 ft 7 in
Was - 153 lbs
Am now - 138.4 lbs
12 wk cut at 1650 intake (about 4 refeeds and only 1 day of not counting at all)
Worked out 4-6x a week. Cardio + strength training.

My plan now is to reverse diet to maintenance and only workout 3x a week (full body strength training) + 1 glute day. Minimal cardio (maybe 15 min after each workout). Not sure how long to stay at maintenance before cutting again though. This is my first cut cycle. See pics. 01njvlblzrxt.jpeg


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I was wondering how you were doing. Awesome stuff, you look amazing! :) I would say take as long as you need, you could stick to recomping, or eventually go into another cut when you are ready, then run bulk. In the end, it really comes down to your goals and what you want to do next.