Minimum Calories per day



  • jasummers76
    jasummers76 Posts: 225 Member
    I am 249 down from 350. Activity level is at sedentary with a goal weight of 175. Height is 5'9.5.. and my intake is at 1580 kcals a day with a goal of lossing two pounds a week. I plan on dropping that to 1.5 to 1 pound a week when I get around 225. My macros are 60% protein and then 20/20.

    Muscle preservation is a three-legged stool:
    1) sufficient protein
    2) small deficit
    3) resistance training (a.k.a., lifting heavy things)

    You can make leg #1 as big as you want. If you don't have 2 and 3 covered, the stool tips over and you lose more muscle than is necessary.

    {insert .gif of two-legged and one-legged stools}

    You are so right.. I just am doing walking at the moment. To be honest I don't have the self confidence to go into a gym. I do make extra trips up and down the stairs we have a three floor home. So it is something for now... I am really working on the eating aspect right now my diabetes meds are almost all gone from having to take several shots a day.

    My apologies. I realize I had you confused with the OP, whose initial concern was about muscle preservation. I read your earlier post as though it were the OP providing more information about his situation. Best of luck, and I hope you're not saying you're in a situation where you can't get any more of the meds you need.

    Just a suggestion: If you're looking for feedback, advice, or even just encouragement, you might do better to start your own thread.

    Oh no the drop in weight and working with a RD on a diabetic diet has allowed me to no longer need the amount I use to be.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    1500 for non athletes and 1600 for athletes. But that's on average, not an absolute. You could get by with eating a little less one day and more another.

    Why would you would only allot 100 calories more for male "athletes"??

    I'm a 5'1'' woman and that would be a steep deficit for me, let alone a male ATHLETE.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Thank you everyone, great info in your comments. HI MIDDLEHAITCH! Hip replacement recovery went really well. Full recovery. PT was brutal as is should have been. Yes I am now 55, put on a few extra and am getting them back off now. I went from 213 January 1 to 193 on April 1, which was a little aggressive but I had to get in fighting shape for the family photos for my daughters wedding in April. Then sold our home, moved, and exercise took a back seat. Finally ready to get back at it starting at 203. Would like to get to 185 and see how that feels this time while also lifting (not big time lifting, just keep the muscles tone and maybe add some lifting).

    Thank you all for your comments. My goal is up to 1# a week but not stressing this time. I know that feeling when you eat too little and have no energy, that sucks. Slow and steady this time.

    I'm a bit heavier than you (220) and taking a slightly different approach lately. I'm 52 and 6'

    I have MFP set at sedentary, to lose 1 lb per week. And I'm eating those. What I'm doing different is eating about 1/2 my exercise calories so my actual loss rate is about 1.5 lbs per week, but I'm not doing it by starving. I run ~15km per week, am taking swimming lessons 1 morning a week and lifting twice a week, so it balances out. Been doing this since the summer (I took the summer off from losing).

    I'm also taking a break every 6 weeks or so and doing maintenance for a week. This is my "eat lots" week.