Somewhat of a Success Story

akhatar4 Posts: 17 Member
edited November 2017 in Introduce Yourself
hey there! My name is Amina and I am 24 years.

I am starting anew on myfitnesspal after struggling with my weight since 2013. I consider myself somewhat of a success story because my starting weight was 165 pounds and now I currently weigh 140, only it took about 4 years to get there. The reason for that was because I hadn't been working out or counting calories as diligently as I should have. I guess the reason I lost any weight at all, let alone 25 pounds was because I knew I should eat less and take the stairs more and all the little things that don't make any difference at all over the span of 6 months but an incredible difference over 4 years, if you are patient. Nevertheless this is an accomplishment I am incredibly happy about and grateful for. Friends and family have noticed my weight loss and most importantly so have my clothes lol. I went down from a size 14/12 to a size 8, a large to a medium. But I have some ways to go. My ultimate goal weight is 127 pounds. This time around I would like to lose weight a lot sooner than last time though lol. I stand at about 5'7" and I am pear shaped.

H: 5'7"
SW: 165
CW: 140
Bust: 36 inches
Waist: 29 inchs
Navel:33 inches
Hips: 42
Body Fat: 27%

I am trying to lose .5 pounds a week, starting today so my target date is May 9, right in time for summer lol. I am consuming 1520 calories a day and planning on working out 2x a week for 20-25 mins.
My main goal other than my goal weight is losing inches off my waist and navel, and lowering my body fat percentage.
If you have a similar story, goal, body type or even if you don't and have any tips/workouts that have worked for you, please let me know. And feel free to add me as a friend, hopefully we can motivate each other!