Weighoss in the seco

Hi all, I have been trying hard to loose weight since two weeks .i joined myfitnesspal app recently two weeks ago .Its a good app interma of calorie tracking. I lost around 2 pound in the first week of diet and excercise.but, I noticed something strange. The week I lost two pounds , in the same week two days after the rigorous workout I gained 1 pound. Is it common ? Cos I haven’t heard this case from any ! But end of the week I lost 2 pounds .thats what mattered to me :) now, in the second week same cycle repeats.. I regained 1 pound hoping to loose that extra pound by the end of the week . Isn’t it strange ?


  • ElizabethHanrahan
    ElizabethHanrahan Posts: 102 Member
    When you start exercising, you retain water to help repair your muscles. You usually lose it after a rest day.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Give it 6 weeks or so before looking at weight loss. The body bounces around for a lot of reasons.