Looking for motivational friends to keep me going

Hi All

Just starting the MFP app.. quite inspired by all the posts saying people actually lost lots and maintained on this. So Im giving it a go.. need to shed 3stones! I have 3young kids and work ft.. so lifestyle is hectic... hence why I never end up sticking to anything!

Im still getting the hang of logging all my food and starting the some exercise... but would like some friends on here to make sure I actually stick to it! and I guess share tips and motivation with..
Lets hope I lose something end of Week1!!!



  • RadRamRadRam
    RadRamRadRam Posts: 9 Member
    add me! :)
  • jdsumersett
    jdsumersett Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Smartz99,
    I wanted to say hi and say I’m just like you! Mother of 4 and working Ft As well. I’ll help motivate you. I love this app. It is easy to use and connects with my iphone
  • rox_ie
    rox_ie Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I've just completed my first week and loving this app and logging what I eat. That's been an eye opener. I'm a mom of three working full time and making excuses to eat healthy and exercise.
  • robinhart1967
    robinhart1967 Posts: 3 Member
    Not sure if an over weight middle aged guy fits the bill, but welcome to the journey. But the app is great, very good at keeping me honest! Hope you find the same, and all strength to you!
  • AHolt1213
    AHolt1213 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all. I think this is a great idea and would love to give and receive some motivation too. I have 2 kids at home, one of which is a toddler, and work FT. I live with other family though that makes our home environment unpredictable and it has been a difficult adjustment. Add me for motivation, I'm definitely on board!