Not losing one pound

Over 50, eating plant-based food, no meat, fish, started to run 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes and not losing weight since last two, three weeks. Not sure how to publish my food log but please any help or motivation is much appreciated.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    To make your food log viewable, go to FOOD > Settings. Scroll down and click "Public."
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited November 2017
    Are you eating in a deficit?
    And how do you determine your intake? Weighing? Measuring? Eyeballing?
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    Are you tracking how many calories you're eating?

    I ask because what and when you eat won't determine weight loss: eating at a calorie deficit will. Exercise is good for fitness and can help you achieve a deficit, but exercise does not, in itself, cause weight loss.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    I'm 50 and lost 75lbs so far in the last 6 months (my losses have drastically slowed down now). I do eat meat, but I also eat very healthy. I can tell you that even without meat, its easy to consume more calories than you think. oils, dressings, and sauces can all be deceiving if you don't measure. also, beans are high in protein and fiber, but they aren't super low calorie.
    How many calories a day are you eating? start by measuring, very accurately, and you may have your answer as to why you're not losing.
  • rnnr88
    rnnr88 Posts: 8 Member
    I did not lose weight in last 3 weeks so I started to log again. I stayed under 1200 cal with 440, 374 and 195 left. Not enough I know but over 1200 cal before did not help either so I thought let’s put the brakes on! I weighed myself 2 x a week and usually lose weight but for one month zero! I do not use oils but use vegetable broth. Tiny bit of dressing.
  • rnnr88
    rnnr88 Posts: 8 Member
    I haven’t measured myself but will do that too as of tomorrow. Maybe there is a change ?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    rnnr88 wrote: »
    I did not lose weight in last 3 weeks so I started to log again. I stayed under 1200 cal with 440, 374 and 195 left. Not enough I know but over 1200 cal before did not help either so I thought let’s put the brakes on! I weighed myself 2 x a week and usually lose weight but for one month zero! I do not use oils but use vegetable broth. Tiny bit of dressing.

    If you've just started logging again, I would get consistent with that and see if that resolves the issue. If it doesn't, try opening your diary after you have a few weeks of data and we may be able to help you troubleshoot.
  • dwilliamca
    dwilliamca Posts: 325 Member
    Have you lost any weight and then stopped or are you just starting? You don't mention any of your statistics other than weight, but it is possible that with being 54 your BMR is fairly low and perhaps your activity less than you estimate. The other problem of course is logging food incorrectly. I'm 63 and on a 1200 calorie diet losing about 1.5-2 lbs. per week with modest exercise added to my sedentary level. If you like I'll take a look at your diary and numbers to see if anything jumps out as unusual. I'll friend you if you like and be sure your diary is open to friends.
  • rnnr88
    rnnr88 Posts: 8 Member
    That was my old profile and I do count calories now. That’s why I noticed I’m under 1200 cal/day. 1.5 lbs is not too crazy, even one pound a week is good. Thanks leggup. I will use my food scale too
  • OpinionatedCyborg
    OpinionatedCyborg Posts: 70 Member
    @rnnr88 you got dis. It's just basic science/math. It's impossible, using a scale and counting calories, not to eventually lose weight.
  • rnnr88
    rnnr88 Posts: 8 Member
    Have not had meat in months, but tonight I had a burger and fries just to get some fat! One crazy night because I feel the need for fat that I have not had for a while, and hey I did not gain weight either! Weird to eat meat and know now why I don't eat it. That full feeling.....Tomorrow I start again with logging food, using my food scale, will measure and weigh once a week. That is the deal i made with myself. Probably 'maintaining' but time to lose at least one or two pounds soon.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    Might be retaining water and/or gaining muscle. Give it a little more time. If not working eat like your eating but less or try IF and see if that helps you eat less.

    Not on 1200cal or less she's not.

    @rnnr88 give yourself about a month with the food scale and complete accuracy. When you have little left to lose you have pretty much no room for error, and the closer to goal weight the slower the weight comes off. Even a pound a week will be too high of an expectation. Also might not be necessary for you to go as low as 1200, nevermind under it. If you're trying to keep an aggressive deficit to try and get the last pounds off, you're setting yourself up for failure down the road. Less than 1200 is simply not healthy.
  • rnnr88
    rnnr88 Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2017
    I am not in a rush but I like to set myself a much higher goal. Maybe not 20 lbs in three months, but as long as I am losing. Same as a training program. I set myself a goal, like running half a marathon but happy if I can do a 10k in six months. I will pick up more exercise, back into training like I used to do. I will not go under 1200 cal but will go for extra walks or runs instead. Thanks everyone, love your help and motivation!
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    If you have not lost even 1 lb over a month then congrats you know your maintenance calories. Eat less.
  • pogiguy05
    pogiguy05 Posts: 1,583 Member
    Hello and have you tried any type of weight training? I am not a pro in any way, but I do know how to use the machine and weights. I am 51yo 5'10" and currently 217lbs and my highest was 235lbs Dec 1st 2016. I know in my experience when I document my foods is eat better cause I can see what I am eating. The other thing that is nice is MFP keeps track of my exercise and adjusts my calories intake when I do. So it is like a bonus for me for my hard work.

    Oct. 1st is when I started back to the gym and was around 225lbs and yes I felt lost a bit, but I just told myself you can do this just try your best. Dont be intimidated by anyone or any machine, but also lift safely.

    My weight can fluctuate 5lbs in a day IF I do not hydrate properly. For me it is not about how much I lose in a certain time, but that I have changed my habits and I am doing better for myself. I already feel better physically and have been able to get on a size 36 pants again.

    What I have been doing is weighing my foods and documenting them in MFP. I have been sticking to a higher protein lower carbs and sugars. My issue is SUGARS
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited November 2017
    amtyrell wrote: »
    If you have not lost even 1 lb over a month then congrats you know your maintenance calories. Eat less.

    Her maintenance calories are not 1200 if they're being accurately calculated.

    There's an issue somewhere. It's likely there's a problem with her logging since she hasn't been using a food scale. We'll see when her diary is open.

    OP, in addition to using the food scale, have you been verifying all of your data base entry selections with the USDA data base?