
Just had to share this, and I wonder if anyone else has had something similar? So I haven't lost weight in a good 6 months, I've been working on keeping steady and keep meaning to start strength training again to lose inches but I haven't had a chance. So I'm definitely still the same size, shape etc...

Well this lady the other day in the gym complments me on how I've lost all this weight, wow, you look great etc. Now while I appreciate the sentiment, my weight hasn't changed since I started this job. At all. Neither has my inches or anything and here she is going on about "all this weight" I've supposidly lost... :indifferent: So I'm guessing that she remembers me wearing something rather unflattering? :embarassed:

I'm really trying to take it as a compliment, that she thought I looked good NOW... but it's difficult when nothing and I mean absolutely nothing has changed...


  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    Oh definitely. Someone complimented me at work that she thought I was losing weight at a time when I wasn't really working out and was GAINING weight. Yikes, I'm pretty sure it was what I was wearing, or maybe her eyesight wasn't so good lol. It did kind of make me feel bad. I suppose I didn't want her to notice I was gaining weight though.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Just take it as you looked great that day :) Don't over analyze just take it :)