how to beat the binge once and for all

Hey! I'm new to the community forum on MFP, have been on the site for around 6 years though.
I'm a 24yr old female, 60kg, and 5ft4. BMI = 22
I've suffered my ups and downs with food, lost a lot of weight during uni and was underweight for 2 years, and for the past 4 years I've been dealing with a pretty bad binge eating habit. I'm fed up now and want to lose 5kg (I've gained almost 20kg in the past 4 years - bringing me back up to a normal BMI but I feel a bit podgy and heavy). Ideally, I'd like to get back down to 55kg.
Does anyone have any tips for breaking a binge eating/overeating habit? My issue usually comes in straight after dinner.
Or any tips on how to stay motivated when trying to lose weight and not just think 'sod it, I'll eat the whole tub of ice cream, the chocolate bar, and all the crisps'?

Nice to meet you all!


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    The ladies who describe their life in terms that don't include binge eating episodes seem to include a variety of foods they like which satisfy them and meet their needs.
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    A couple of things MIGHT help.

    Drink more water before eating anything.
    Fill your plate with veges like cauliflower, broccoli and spinach. They have negligible calories.
    Brush your teeth when you have the urge to binge.

    Doesn't work for everyone but just a couple of tips.
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,890 Member
    A couple of things MIGHT help.

    Drink more water before eating anything.
    Fill your plate with veges like cauliflower, broccoli and spinach. They have negligible calories.
    Brush your teeth when you have the urge to binge.

    Doesn't work for everyone but just a couple of tips.

    what is a "Negligible calorie" @amorfati601070

    They are extremely low in calories, broccoli is like 35 per 100 gram, so that is 350 per kilo. You can eat bulk and not worry about weight gain. The fibre might cause some issues.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,525 Member
    Try this as an experiment. This worked for me, wouldn't for others.

    Plan some snacks. For years mine have been ice cream and chocolate. For a long time, my ice cream pick was a Weight Watcher fudge bar. I get bite size SF chocolates that I keep in the freezer.
    You have to calculate what a satisfying portion of ice cream is. If I get some kind of low fat or low sugar, I'm usually happy in the 100-120 calorie range.

    I eat the fudge bars with a spoon, just knock them off the stick. Ice cream at 8pm. 1 chocolate at 9pm 1 chocolate just before bed.

    Eating the ice cream bar with a spoon, and keeping the chocolate in a freezer, slows down the eating process.

    Why this works for me- I'm not trying to stare down the kitchen. I'm going to get a treat. I just have to wait. But right up until bedtime. Always have something in the pipeline. Some days I don't bother with the bedtime snack.

    Another advantage- if I give in to the office donuts, no night time snacks.

    This doesn't work for some folks because they eat the entire package of ice cream bars and/ or entire bag of candy. If that's you, don't bring that stuff in the house.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,525 Member
    Opps. Left out this sentence.- For a long time my ice cream pick was the Weight Waters fudge bar.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    My suggestion is not to keep food in the house that makes you want to binge.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I echo the suggestion to seek some help if you are still struggling, as you seem to be, with ED related issues. I know it is hard and relapses do periodically occur. I can relate as I myself am struggling with a relapse currently into underweight territory and periodic binge episodes and finding help is very difficult where I live - ie, they will not give me any help unless I reach a weight or condition at which I would need hospital intervention apparently, lol. But, if you can get some therapy/counselling, please do take advantage as believe me, I would love to have that option myself right now.

    Only you can decide that enough is enough and that you want to just work on living a healthy, ED free life, same as for me. I could be given all the advice in the world, but until I am in the right mental space, most will just go in one ear and only be heeded when my ED mind is ready to step back.