Cambridge Weight Plan Buddies...?

Hi, anyone else doing this diet please add me as a friend.

I'm starting it again tomorrow. I did it a few months ago for a month straight and lost 1st 4lbs.... but then thought I'd give Slim & Save a shot as it was so much cheaper. Failed at that one though as the food was disgusting.... so back to my trusty Cambridge shakes tomorrow, but need the help for the first 4 days before ketosis starts! I still have about 4-5 stone to lose so this is the perfect kickstart diet for me.

Not interested in any Anti-Cambridge diet people. It annoys me how blinkered some people are.



  • camocha

    I've also just re-started Cambridge. I lost 4 stones 3 years ago, but it's all gone back on :-( I want to lose around 5 stones, but it's not easy! IT would be great to have some support from a buddy.
  • littlenature
    The Cambridge Weight Plan website actually has an awesome forum, you should check it out, if you haven't already!
  • missjolene87
    Hi im going to be starting the cambridge diet plan this week when ive been to my firt appointment. I know it would help me to have someone whos going through the same issues as me (as weight isnt an issue for my family). Anyway if your still looking for a diet buddy to chat or moan to then im here?
  • joan_xo

    I've been on the Cambridge diet plan for about 7 weeks now. Have lost a total of 1 stone 7 pounds so far. Was on it over a year ago and managed to lose 4 stone but I couldnt afford to keep going and in that year I piled everything back on again. I decided to go back on it in august and i'm so glad i did. Any of you looking for a diet buddy, I'm here :)
  • rebecca2087
    Hi, I restarted Cambridge today. So far so good. How are you all doing?
  • jrhartley
    jrhartley Posts: 18 Member

    I started Cambridge sole source yesterday. I am doing ok so far apart from a stinking detox headache!!

    Are yoy guys still doing it?

  • Lionidle
    This is my 5th day on CWP ! eek!
  • samsamnojam
    samsamnojam Posts: 34 Member
    I'm three days into CWP. Is anyone out there doing it too? Could really use some buddies on this journey. I have 5 stone to lose.