Stone in ten weeks possible??

Hey all!

Back to MFP as a stone had creeped on :/

Please add me to share motivation xx


  • brendanwhite84
    brendanwhite84 Posts: 220 Member
    I have anecdotal evidence from going from 166 lbs (BMI 21.3, 15% body fat per Bod Pod) to 148 lbs (BMI 19, 7.5% body fat per Bod Pod) for a total of 18 pounds lost at 1 lb per week, during which I was doing fairly heavy cardio and mostly eating back my exercise calories.

    I didn't find it untenably difficult from a hunger perspective, and my athletic performance was fine. My health and wellness were fine.

    So with respect, I think 1 lb per week is completely safe and have no reason to think to the contrary from personal experience.