What was your "Enough is Enough?"



  • rjsmith66
    rjsmith66 Posts: 7 Member
    It wasn't bad enough when I couldn't ride certain rides at Disney because of my weight, it was close then and probably the beginning, but the final straw was when I (being from MS) was explaining to my son who Elvis was and realized that I was approaching "fat Elvis" size.....that did it...
  • SarahMMDuckham
    SarahMMDuckham Posts: 10 Member
    My low point was watching my husband lose 110 pounds with bariatric surgery (he was a candidate, I was not) and he weighed the same as me. How did that happen? Couple that with my last blood work showing that I was pre-diabetic. My husband has every co-morbidity in the book and I do not want to be that person. I'm going to have to do this the hard way with diet and exercise but I'm ready to do it. 2 weeks: 21 lbs down. It won't always be like that -- it's easier at first when your super large, but been exercising, etc. I'm hooked.
  • gchinkle
    gchinkle Posts: 2 Member
    I started dieting or should I say eating right going on 4 months ago. My enough was I couldn’t do anything without being soaked in sweat. I try to look good but it’s impossible when you’re drenched. Always when I would get dressed the effort of putting on my shoes and tying them would get it started. I hated that feeling. Then pouring sweat I travel a lot for work and I refused to have to get a seat belt extender. Your moment was far more critical than mine and I hope you do well and stay healthy. I’m down 43 lbs. as of today. I need to go at least another 50. I started at 315. You do the math. LOL
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    Hey welcome! :) Sometimes it's the little moments that make us stop and wonder whether or not it's normal to be so winded/tired/sick...

    I was doing a summer research program in a new city. I was lonely and numbing with food, and though I was active I wasn't moving nearly as much as I thought. I hadn't weighed myself since my checkup a year prior; and that summer I almost set another weight record. I was struggling to run and to walk up hills (the walk back from lab was up a giant half-mile-long slope), I was in denial and out of touch with my body, and decided to start taking care of myself.

    JK, I was young and I decided to start hating myself til I got skinny and all the boys wanted me.

    I've since readjusted my attitude in spurts, which has also caused my weight to fluctuate. But breaking that initial phase of denial and coming to terms with just how unhappy I was, and how it was reflecting on me physically, was a huge lesson to learn, and even though my process has been full of upswings and downswings I am a whole lot healthier, mind and body, than I was at the beginning of that miserable summer.
  • AlinaDonos
    AlinaDonos Posts: 8 Member
    My passport photo. ...nothing like seeing the real you stare out from a photo.

    I agree. I first noticed I was gaining weigh because my clothes started not to fit anymore, but I thought it was still under control. Then, one summer, I went to Greece and I was enjoying the beach and wonderful new food. In photos I was doing my best to hide behind someone or hold in my belly and I actually thought I was doing great. When I got home and saw the vacation pictures I got a reality check and realised not only I wasn't fooling anyone, but also my abdomen was not at all my biggest problem. I did not recognise the person in those photos at all.
  • shamiya2003
    shamiya2003 Posts: 3 Member
    My lowest of the low was when I was standing in the shower and I could not see my ta-ta. I was so embarrassed and disappointed in myself for letting my weight get so out-of-control. I had already begun to feel tired and out of breath, from just walking only a few feet. However, I had not changed anything. Then I joined and started logging my meals and it was an eye opener realizing how many calories I was consuming, including snacks. I joined back in July and I have lost 25 pounds, thus far. It has been a struggle because I like to eat, all types of food. But I know that I do not want to pull out those old "big girl" clothes from the back of my closet.
    I pray that everyone is successful on their journey as you continue to choose a healthier lifestyle and clean eating.
    Be blessed......
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    I think my lowest point came when I saw an old pic of myself and realized my weight had gotten out of control. I knew I had to change but didn't know where to start, I started with small changes. Diet first, cutting down alcohol, exercising more but things didn't click until I read an article explaining how most people are eating more than they should be. Obvious I know but I was in denial about my eating and drinking. Had no clue about proper portions either. Finally bought a scale and started seriously counting calories and took up weight lifting. Lost 12 lbs so far in 3 months so I'll just keep going. My motivation is my son, I wanna be there for him. And my family, 3 of my siblings are prediabetic I wanna show them they can turn their lives around.
  • rparkerslim
    rparkerslim Posts: 398 Member
    My wake up call came earlier this year when a friend of mine gave my some very nice clothes that had belonged to her mother. I usually wore a 2x although I had started buying some dresses in 3x. Since most of the clothes were a size 3x, I was confident that they would fit. One day at church my friend asked me why I was the only one who never wore the things she had given me. That's when I had to admit that they were too small! I'm not talking about some of them were too small; I couldn't wear any of them! I was at 242 the highest I had ever been, and I'm only 5'3"! That was my "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH moment! My current weight is 214, but I've got a ways to go before my BMI is no longer in the obese range! Onward and downward!!! ;);)
  • cookma423
    cookma423 Posts: 62 Member
    A little over 2 years ago. I got invited for a physical test to my local police department as part of the hiring process. I failed. Miserably. I had always been a active, athletic guy, so failing a physical test was humiliating. Started changing the next day. Now I'm about 50 lbs lighter, and I absolutely love the active lifestyle I've rediscovered. I just keep staying active; running, biking, hiking, walking. Whatever I can do
  • st_martn
    st_martn Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you all for sharing, and a future thanks to any else that elects to share. Glad I'm not to only one. We will make this and kick it in the butt! Goodnight, friends.
  • LittleQuelie
    LittleQuelie Posts: 37 Member
    I’ve had multiple “enough is enough” moments. My current one stems from seeing picture of my puffy face and realizing it’s starting to look like “fat Me” again lol. I’ve always been over weight but when I start seeing it in my face that’s how I really know things are out of control. I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me for me and the way I am now but there’s still that insecure girl in the back of my mind who wishes she was just a slightly less heavy, sexier version of herself for him... another huge motivation for me is not being able to fit into some of the beautiful clothes I’m seeing in stores - there’s so much beyond my reach because they’re not made for my body type and frankly I’m sick of it. This time I’m resetting by focusing on fitness and activity (weight circuit/hiit twice per week) and volleyball every Tuesday. I’m also following a meal plan manager by my work’s fitness advisor. Just started the meal plan tonight but have had five sessions in the gym so far and so far so good!
  • telecasterbrooks
    Man, I haven’t been feeling great lately. Clothes are getting tighter (bought a new pair of jeans at size I always buy and they were too tight), I notice my energy and motivation is really low. To top it all off, I stepped on the scale tonight in a T-shirt and athletic shorts and I am the heaviest I have been. That was my “Enough is Enough”. I want to be a good example to my family. So I consider this Day One, as I started tracking today. Wish me luck.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    I have been donating platelets at the Red Cross for a couple of years. I was not allowed to donate a couple of times because my blood pressure was too high. Went to see the doc. Gave me some meds but he also told me "You won't need the meds if you just lose some weight." I hate taking medications when there are better alternatives.
  • mamajoysan
    mamajoysan Posts: 1 Member
    I think I've just reached it. I'm tired of being tired, feeling sluggish and feeling terrible about my physical appearance. I've lost weight in the past but life has a way of getting in the way of things sometimes. I'm about 35 pounds heavier than I should be...and about 15 pounds away from my last "enough is enough" point.

    Here's to our success buddy!
  • delvin2
    delvin2 Posts: 120 Member
    My enough is enough stems from the embarrassment of knowing that I have been successful with transforming my life and letting it all go to waste over a 3-4 year period. During that time I avoided photos and had to buy big clothes again. At 41, I just decided that I’m not ready to be “old” and out of shape. Many people are healthy into their 40s, 50s and beyond. I want that to be my story. Been over two months strong plant-based with occasional cheese, six weeks of running and physical activity, and a few belt loops down too.
  • leelee8433
    leelee8433 Posts: 16 Member
    I loved your post! It's inspiring when people tell their stories! Kudos to you