Bulimia and calorie counting??

Iv been struggling for the past 9 years on and off with purging after I eat. I know it's a horrible thing but it helps me feel a little better after I eat a Rediculous amount of calories.im trying to develop a healthy relationship with food but if I ever do relapse do I still count the calories for that meal? If anyone is dealing with this please add me. Id love to have someone to talk to that's dealing with trying to lose weight while also battling an E. D. Thanks


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I am not aiming to lose weight here although I have lost weight. I am having an ED relapse myself having done so very well for years prior. I also purge after eating, especially if I feel full or have eaten a meal outside of my usual. I also am having binge issues. Feel free to add me although I am not sure how much help I can be given I am battling again myself after so long free of most of these issues. I also do not know how to log the stuff I purge so I usually log half or just over half. I am currently underweight by a few pounds by BMI. More of one accounts for my build.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Agreeing with everyone on seeking treatment. Only a professional can guide you on your original question.
  • jenna_nicolo
    jenna_nicolo Posts: 62 Member
    Hey Gabiia2, I'm sorry you're going through this. I've also been bulimic for quite awhile; since I was 13. I go through periods of slightly disordered behavior to severely disordered/maladaptive - and throughout it all I count calories. For me, it's an accountability issue because if I don't log it then I can pretend like it never happened. I log everything and if I purge, then I purge, but I can't deny that the binge/purge happened. Still I try to be kind to myself, after all tomorrow's a new day.

    Are you actively in recovery now or are you kind of in the thick of things? I know it can seem counterproductive to count calories in recovery when you're trying to gain or lose weight while disassociating the anxiety and compulsiveness with the act of eating. Some find it's necessary to regain control over the frequency/amount of their b/p-ing but it really should always been done with the supervision of a professional.

    Feel free to add me or message me if you ever need to talk privately. ((hugs))
  • AGrimley
    AGrimley Posts: 1 Member
    Defiantly seek treatment and ask a professional. For a lot of girls with past ED or current ones tracking calories can just become another obsession. I use to not have the most healthy relationship with food so my advice would be to just be careful. There are ways to do it just don't let it consume your life. Defiantly talk to someone who will know your story more though :)
  • Nomseys
    Nomseys Posts: 43 Member
    Please get help. I myself have recovered from anorexia and until I got a healthy view and attitude towards food and body image I absolutely could not count calories without losing it mentallly and falling back into E.D. I also could not weigh myself for five years because I was very obsessive. It’s way more important to get a healthy perspective and relationship towards food, nutrition, and self than start counting if you are in active E.D.