
So.. As anyone done weight loss or fitness related coaching? I sat in on a informational meeting about supplements a couple months ago. I tried a sample of their protein and it was the first of many brands that I liked.. I have already been using Bcca and feel like I could benefit from more protein.. from the first meeting and taking their advice to eat breakfast I dropped 5 pounds.. So last week, I purchased the protein drink.
They have a coaching program that I am thinking about. I haven't heard all the details but it appeals to me cause I feel like I am missing something and just spinning my wheels. I know some if not a lot is will power and the fact I work over 50 hours a week Monday thru Saturday and second job on Sunday. besides the coaching and assistance it comes with 189.00 in supplements.. But kicker is it's 99.00 biweekly. The protein shake will run me 75.00 a month if I use it daily. my boyfriend is trying to discourage me from doing this. I did say I wanna use the protein for at least a week or two before I even talk to them. Just for the record these coaches are in great shape.. but it's a lot of money to spend. My goal is to lose more weight and get stronger.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    They're just trying to sell you a bunch of expensive supplements that you don't need...
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Maybe.. even if some of them would help just dont know if it would be worth that much money.. i feel it cant hurt to talk.. my gym does a free session when joining.. maybe i should start there.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    edited November 2017
    Unless the "coach" has significant training in coaching techniques, he/she is not a "coach". Ask them which coaching school gave them their training, and whether it's a program certified by the International Coach Federation (I already know what their answer will be :)) All of their "coaching" will revolve around selling you more product - and $75 is a lot to spend a month on shakes - there are plenty of other protein shake products out there that would cost less. Of the ones I've tried, I like the Chocorite brand and used to make smoothies with it. Cost: $1.45 per 14 oz shake.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Thanks. It was 35.00 for 15 servings so about 75.00 if i use it daily. I have wasted money buying brands i cant get down or if i do has bad side effects. i do like how they give you a sample to try but its a small sample so dont know how my stomach will tolerate it until i drink a full shake. Its a chocokate mocha one that i am actually liking..
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,508 Member
    Don't do it. Shop on line for protein powder if you want. You don't need to pay a premium.

    You don't need a coach. Work MFP. Pay for premium if you want. Weight loss is a skill set.

    Calculate a modest calorie deficit. Start a food diary. Weigh and measure your intake when at home. Crunch NI numbers when possible at restaurants. Make good faith estimates when that's the best you can do. Record everything. Good bad and ugly. Everyone wants to record good days, you record them all. Set up regular weekly weigh ins. Get a sustainable downward trend and give your program time to work.

    You don't have to spend money. You do have to spend time.

    There is a significant learning curve. Keep making modest adjustments as needed. If your plan doesn't work, make a better one. A good plan is one you will actually follow.

    When in doubt post your questions on the MFP message boards.

    BTW. I mix vanilla egg white protein in my oatmeal every morning. It tastes great. I just started this about 6 months ago, I'm less hungry later in the day.

  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Thanks for all your helpful tips and reminders. I have a food scale and use it most of the time. I gave up logging calories sometime ago but trying to find my way back. Its such a huge pain sometimes especially when i cook for my family. I dont eat oatmeal anymore. I burned myself out on a lot of foods. I dont get hungry in the mornings but try to eat something cause if i dont i make poor choices before lunch. Its later in the afternoon that i find it hard to keep my calories in check. I work sec shift so i am up late and cant go to bed hungry or i wont sleep.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    I'ma start putting egg white protein in my oatmeal! Thanks 88Olds. I used to have a 88 Oldsmobile.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,866 Member
    "Coaching" by uncertified people is usually just biased advice with loyalty to a product. The reality is is that supplements only attribute about 1% to one's success. The other 99% is due to discipline and correct application of nutrition and exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    She did talk about teaching people to eat healthy. if i ever find time i may talk more in depth in what they offer.. i know no matter what i got to put in the work.. so I got a pretty good routine at the gym down so just got to work more on meal planning and logging.. i am pretty busy so sometimes its a challenge to do it all. I did take her advice to eat breakfast and dropped 5 pounds.