What do you have your calories set to?



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Just for emphasis if MFP tells you your goal is "1200" what it is basically saying is "error"
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    edited November 2017
    I like the calculators at www.fat2fittools.com. My maintenance at my goal weight will be about 1600-1700 calories, not counting exercise. I set my calories for 1500 and eat anywhere from 1000-1500, whatever I want in a given day. My daily average per week tends to be a little over 1300 according to MFP nutrition tab. I don't eat back exercise calories but I'm more likely to get close to 1500 on exercise days, have gone over just a few times. (I don't do hours of cardio so my exercise stipend is pretty modest anyway.) I pay a lot of attention to the nutrition of what I'm eating, not just calories, and I have various rules that help me. I find giving myself a little freedom this way is pretty stress-free and I'm averaging a little over a pound a week, about 22 lbs lost in 3 months, and I'm down 39 lbs from my highest ever weight. It's all estimates anyway, even with weighing and HR monitors, and I feel prepared to eat similarly for the rest of my life. I'm 17 lbs from my goal weight.

    I'm sure I'd have the same results if I set my daily goal for exactly 1300 and stuck to it religiously, but this way I can be a little flexible. I do take it seriously and I do weigh and measure, but I also eat out every week.