Anyone with Barre 3 Studio Results?

A Barre 3 studio recently opened in my town and I've attended two classes. I LOVE the class. I've taken a session with the same instructor each time, and her moves were identical both times. I think this is good and bad: good because I can see my improvement each time and bad because it might get repetitive.

My question is aimed at anyone who has done consistent Barre 3 classes (2-5 times a week) and what kind of results you are seeing. Do you take different instructors each time or do you stick with the same instructor each time? Have you lost many inches?

I'm considering an unlimited membership but it's quite pricey and I'm still up in the air about how repetitive it's going to be vs. the results.


  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member

    I've done barre consistently since February this year, I love the classes! I go 2-4 times a week and I like the classes best when the instructor adds in blasts of intense cardio along with the toning work.

    I've seen great results in my legs, butt, and arms. I started with the 2lb weights but now I always use the 5lb. I've also found that being strong has helped with my flexibility. Before, I would stretch a lot, but just end up sore and overstretched because the supporting muscles were sort of weak. Now it's easy to achieve yoga poses that were hard for me. In fact, barre classes made me better at yoga than practicing yoga ever did.

    I know a lot of people are more in favor of heavy lifting over a class like barre, but I actually enjoy going to the classes and am able to do it consistently so it really works for me.

    I lost a bunch of inches in my thighs and my butt literally lifted up. I know this because there is a freckle at the top of my thigh juuuuust under the cheek that used to be hidden, and now my butt is lifted up above the freckle (there's a little TMI info for you..).

    -I was forcing my turn-out a bit while working out and eventually got a sore hip that just wouldn't go away. After talking to my friend who is a professional ballet dancer they told me to adjust my turnout so that its much smaller. The sore hip went away after a week.

    -It's pricey! Calculate how many times a week you'd have to go to make the unlimited membership worth it. I have to go 3 classes a week.
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Thank you so much for your response!

    It's so great to know that you got results from this class. I was also kind of skeptical because everyone is very for heavy lifting, but I think there is something to the way the class is taught. The bursts followed by the stretches. And it was not easy at all. I find myself shaking out my legs a lot during leg lifts, etc. I think there is much room for progress, and like you said, I can also work into upping my weights. Most of all, I love the way I feel after the class. It's like I took yoga but worked harder like in Pilates. And it just makes me feel strong and zen.

    I think it's great body resistance work and using the barre ball, I have been introduced to new parts of my abs I never felt before.

    Do you take different instructors or stick with one?