Seriouls have no self control with anything!



    CILLAJ8 Posts: 99 Member
    Allow yourself a small treat. It can fit into your daily calorie goal. Then drink water and go for a walk. My job celebrates birthday's every month with a cake or some type of baked treat. Vendors will often bring baked goods in too. Since they are usually given at break time I'll take a 15 minute walk. The fresh air helps and then I realize burned x amount of calories rather than eating xx amount of calories and that always make me feel better. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. I want to be healthy for myself and my family. You have to find your why. You can do it.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    edited November 2017
    I control my office sweet-tooth by keeping tasty protein bars and brown sugar instant oatmeal at my desk. They taste sweet enough to allow me to choose them over doughnuts and chocolate bars. And they have a lot more fiber and protein in them.

    The key, of course, is to hold yourself accountable. If you want a chocolate bar, log it in your diary. Your body logs every calorie, so you should do the same if you really want to lose weight.
  • ludazatobom
    ludazatobom Posts: 53 Member
    You and i are the same. Something eventually clicked. It's a mental game. You really have to gear yourself up mentally. It's not all about eating just the right stuff or exercising a lot it's a big mental component especially to people like us who have lived a certain type of way for years if not most of our entire lives. You're gonna feel the pain...the sadness...the anger. You'll hear that voice saying "just stop...go back to your old life it's easy and fun and you're happy!". BUT YOUR NOT HAPPY YOU'RE MISERABLE! Like me. I wake up everyday and i hate myself physically and mentally. What i do is i keep a journal. I write and write....sometimes not so nice things but i get it out. And if you fall....dont let it be a big enough excuse to quit because you'll tell yourself that like i do. If you need someone to communicate with or vent to who is in the same boat but has been slowly swimming to the top for the past 3 weeks you can contatc me and heck you can add me on social media as well if it's easier. Just never stop.
  • Slowfaster
    Slowfaster Posts: 185 Member
    Just my opinion and we're all different, but I would guess that it's the sugar that is sabotaging your will-power. When we eat foods high in sugar it causes our insulin levels to rise. The insulin comes out to handle the sugar and then excess insulin stays in our blood stream for awhile looking for more sugar, making us crave a Twix bar soon after our donut.

    That's me anyway. I have no hope of sticking to a healthy eating plan unless Rule #1 is to cut out anything that has more than 3 grams of sugar.