What is your opinion on the BBG program?

It seems like Kayla Itsines' BBG program is very popular among women these days.

It seems very easy to follow for someone who is new to strength training, and it appears to be perfect for those women who just want to get toned and lean without changing the shape of their body drastically. Like myself. A lot of women seem to really want "curves" and big booty, but I really don't. I just want to lose weight, without becoming skinny fat.

What is the general consensus about this program on here? Yay or nay? Nothing special?


  • halmsafit
    halmsafit Posts: 47 Member
    Hey! I have BBG and honestly, it is so hard for me (even though its 28 minutes long) that I havent been able to stick with it!! The women you see before and afters of have usually completed it a couple times or have done it for a year! The workouts start with the pre training which apparently is the worst part! You are doing the circuit as many times as you can in 7 minutes. However you need like 3 minutes to catch your breath each time. I personally don't know anyone who has completed it but if it didn't work so well for those that can stick to it, Kayla wouldn't have such a large following!! Good luck if you attempt it! I am going to try to attempt it again!
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    Hi oat_bran, I did two rounds of BBG (24 weeks in total) last year and it was great. You need to push yourself to do each circuit as many times as possible in the seven minutes but it's a very efficient workout if you only want to commit to half an hour.

    I think you can try the app free for a week and even then it's only about $20 per month if you want to continue.

    BTW I didn't do the diet part - just the exercise.
  • oat_bran
    oat_bran Posts: 370 Member
    halmsafit wrote: »
    Hey! I have BBG and honestly, it is so hard for me (even though its 28 minutes long) that I havent been able to stick with it!! The women you see before and afters of have usually completed it a couple times or have done it for a year! The workouts start with the pre training which apparently is the worst part! You are doing the circuit as many times as you can in 7 minutes. However you need like 3 minutes to catch your breath each time. I personally don't know anyone who has completed it but if it didn't work so well for those that can stick to it, Kayla wouldn't have such a large following!! Good luck if you attempt it! I am going to try to attempt it again!

    Wow, thanks for being honest! I didn't realize it was so intense! When I'm in a deficit, even in a small one, I usually actually don't have enough energy to do really intense strength training.
    naomi8888 wrote: »
    Hi oat_bran, I did two rounds of BBG (24 weeks in total) last year and it was great. You need to push yourself to do each circuit as many times as possible in the seven minutes but it's a very efficient workout if you only want to commit to half an hour.

    I think you can try the app free for a week and even then it's only about $20 per month if you want to continue.

    BTW I didn't do the diet part - just the exercise.

    I have the ebook, but I haven't looked through it carefully yet. I wasn't planning to follow her diet plan, I prefer to control my intake myself. Plus, there isn't anything special about her diet plan, it's all about CICO in the end.

    Do you know if the app is necessary to follow the plan or the book is enough. There are descriptions of the exercises in the book.
  • megs_1985
    megs_1985 Posts: 199 Member
    It's nothing special IMO. It's a hiit workout. I considered joining but decided it was too expensive when I can follow Fitness Blender programs for free on YouTube or buy one of their programs for $10 (no subscription). Anyway I'd rather look like Kelly on Fitness Blender then Kayla who seems to be afraid to lift heavy.