
I am so discouraged. The past week I have been keeping my calories at about 1000 to 1200 and exercising every day. Really working hard. And now I am a pound.


  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    weight loss won't be linear

    why so low on the calories? are you eating back a portion of your workout cals? (MFP is designed to eat back purposeful exercise calories)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    One pound down? That's probably excellent. How much do you have to lose - what's your height and weight?
    Why are you working hard? Why are you eating 1000-1200 calories? And are you really doing that, how do you log your food intake?
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    Have you actually weighed your food to see if you are actually eating 1200 calories? If not, how do you know? I am not sure if you are trying to say that you have lost or gained a pound. It is unclear from your post. Either way, it takes more than a week. This will take patience and consistency. Stick with it! Also, be sure you are using the numbers that MFP gave you. You CANNOT get discouraged after one measly week! This is a change you will make for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! Sure, you will adjust your calories based on your goals throughout this journey, but you need to mentally be prepared for the long road. Good luck.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    NetiOne wrote: »
    I am so discouraged. The past week I have been keeping my calories at about 1000 to 1200 and exercising every day. Really working hard. And now I am a pound.

    A pound up or down?

    Agree with @bmayes2014 !!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
  • Lesscookies1
    Lesscookies1 Posts: 250 Member
    You're a pound? :O also you shouldn't be eating less than 1,200 calories (minimum for ladies) but Weight loss isn't linear as first poster mentioned. Ensure you're tracking accurately, and using a food scale if you're not, and give it a few weeks.

    Good luck!!
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    edited March 2018
    NetiOne wrote: »
    I am so discouraged. The past week I have been keeping my calories at about 1000 to 1200 and exercising every day. Really working hard. And now I am a pound.

    A pound? Lighter or heavier?

    Ok saw your answer. Sorry you are a pound heavier and you feel disappointed because of it.

    You really have nothing to feel disappointed about. The one pound gain is just feedback. Feedback you can use later if you need to adjust your meal plan.

    The one pound gain: It could be water retention, inaccurate and weighing/logging your foods, constipation, or a number of other things that could be going on.

    The body can be a fickle thing when you are following a weight loss plan.

    Hydration status varies throughout the day, causing fluid shifts that may make one think they gained in fat or muscle gains.

    Your body is always seeking homeostasis, in order to function throughout the day. Be sure to stay hydrated throughout your day unless your dr says otherwise.

    I would first recommend you to closely examine your food diary. Look for errors that could be throwing your calorie intake and other numbers off.

    Log everything you eat or the caloric beverages you drink.

    If you are inactive/sedentary would also encourage you to move more if you are able to health wise. You can start by taking three short sessions a day. Even as low as 10 mins three times a day.

    Hope this helps. Give yourself time to work this weight loss journey out. Keep calm and not be thrown off by results like a one pound gain. You can do this. Find your inner strength and resolve. Hugs!

  • batorkin
    batorkin Posts: 281 Member
    edited March 2018
    NetiOne wrote: »
    I was up a pound. Ok, I took the advice of most of you in this thread (as well as my awesome GF -K) and kept up the good work. I am down 3 lbs since this post. Thank you people! I stopped eating late at night and this seems to be really making a difference. Also, I started using the rowing machine and I LOVE it!!!

    Males shouldn't eat less than 1500, and eating late at night or not doesn't make any difference in overall weight loss. 3 pounds in 3 months... there's no way you are eating 1000-1200, you'd be losing 10+ pounds/month as a male. Combine that with exercise "every day", you'd probably have serious malnutrition by now as well. At your rate of loss, you are eating closer to 2000-2500 a day.

    (Yes, I just assumed your gender since you said "GF".)
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    edited March 2018
    tyrindor wrote: »
    NetiOne wrote: »
    I was up a pound. Ok, I took the advice of most of you in this thread (as well as my awesome GF -K) and kept up the good work. I am down 3 lbs since this post. Thank you people! I stopped eating late at night and this seems to be really making a difference. Also, I started using the rowing machine and I LOVE it!!!

    Males shouldn't eat less than 1500, and eating late at night or not doesn't make any difference in overall weight loss. 3 pounds in 3 months... there's no way you are eating 1000-1200, you'd be losing 10+ pounds/month as a male. Combine that with exercise "every day", you'd probably have serious malnutrition by now as well. At your rate of loss, you are eating closer to 2000-2500 a day.

    (Yes, I just assumed your gender since you said "GF".)

    Our posts crossed. Happy for OP, that you found some success.
  • NetiOne
    NetiOne Posts: 56 Member
    Hi tyrindor, thanks for the reply. I started weighing and monitoring my eating more closely and my portions were off. Add this to my "cheat day" on the weekend and I was taking in more calories then I thought. I am on track now. I have 11 more lbs to lose to reach my goal weight. Also, I started paying more attention to the intensity with which I work out. It was easy to get lulled into a false sense of "cardio" while simultaneously listening to headphones, reading a book and on the elliptical. Now I am being mindful to focus on my breath and posture and have added HITT which helps keep my attention. Recently I have discovered a love for the rowing machine and have been working it into my sessions 3-4x per week. It is a full body workout and I am feeling and seeing a difference. I have had no back issues since I have started using the rowing machine. This seems to be working for me. Down another 2 lbs since my last post.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,720 Member
    Thanks for reporting back, OP - that's helpful to others who may now be where you were as of the first post: You may help others get "un-discouraged" too.

    And I'm sure it's gratifying to those who gave advice.

    Congratulations on finding a routine that works for you!