Calories - Do you eat back your burned exercise calories?



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    1/ It's how this tool is designed to be used.
    2/ To me a goal is to be hit, not undercut.
    3/ I like both food and exercise, a virtuous circle.
    4/ My exercise is for health and fitness, not weight loss. It needs proper fuelling.
    5/ Something that people often don't consider is that when you get to maintenance at goal weight you are going to have to account for your exercise - learn that skill now and one of the complications of switching from weight loss to weight maintenance is far easier.

    Yeah, this. Simply put but hits all the points and I agree with every one of them.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    cherys wrote: »
    As anothe rperson who has been too often MIA from MFP, I find if I don't eat them, I fall off the wagon but if I do, I stay on. How about you, OP?

    I think this makes sense because otherwise I'd be crazy starving specially when I would burn 700+ calories.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    edited November 2017
    Thank you all for your replies. I have a lot of weight to lose (about 70 lbs) and per some folks I should be doing a lot of cardio but I managed to lose 17 lbs in about 13 weeks at the beginning of the year with weightlifting and little cardio and clean eating but I wasn't tracking my calories intake at all. This time around I am trying the weightlifting program again. I hope to finally finish it as I have started that twice and haven't completed it yet. Ugh!

    I hate that I gained it all back because I got sick and basically just gave up. I'm hoping the motivation I have will last for the long haul. I need to stay focused so I can get healthy.
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    Every last one of them. And I swear they taste the best!
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Yes or I'd be hangry my whole life.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    deniseg31 wrote: »
    Thank you all for your replies. I have a lot of weight to lose (about 70 lbs) and per some folks I should be doing a lot of cardio but I managed to lose 17 lbs in about 13 weeks at the beginning of the year with weightlifting and little cardio and clean eating but I wasn't tracking my calories intake at all. This time around I am trying the weightlifting program again. I hope to finally finish it as I have started that twice and haven't completed it yet. Ugh!

    You don't have to do any exercise at all to lose weight. A lot of people don't. Your calorie goal here has a deficit built into it, that's why you're supposed to eat your exercise calories back.

    You can do weight lifting and no cardio. It's not ideal, but you can do it and lose weight.
  • candacemckeone
    candacemckeone Posts: 5 Member
    I eat them and lose. I exercise daily - varies between cardio and weights. Had gotten away from mfp lately - tried weightwatchers for a week - even though there is a supposed adjustment for active people - my weight loss completely stalled, metabolism slowed (even digestion was off)- the program simply did not give me enough food - the beauty of mfp is the adjustment so on days with a lot of exercise I stay fueled and feel full - needles to say I quit weightwatchers - love mfp and am back to losing pound or two per week
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    deniseg31 wrote: »
    Thank you all for your replies. I have a lot of weight to lose (about 70 lbs) and per some folks I should be doing a lot of cardio but I managed to lose 17 lbs in about 13 weeks at the beginning of the year with weightlifting and little cardio and clean eating but I wasn't tracking my calories intake at all. This time around I am trying the weightlifting program again. I hope to finally finish it as I have started that twice and haven't completed it yet. Ugh!

    I hate that I gained it all back because I got sick and basically just gave up. I'm hoping the motivation I have will last for the long haul. I need to stay focused so I can get healthy.

    Eating clean (whatever your definition is) isn't necessary. It's great to include a larger % of "healthier" foods, but weight loss doesn't require a perfect diet. Number of calories is far more important.
  • YOLO145
    YOLO145 Posts: 98 Member
    I was eating all of my exercise calories back, I have my FitBit Charge 2 synced to MFP...I've stalled at the same weight for 2 months, haven't gained, but haven't lost (pounds). This week I've started to only eat back 50% of those delicious exercise calories to see if the scale budges again...
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I can usually eat back about half (that MFP relates when I list them, and I'm pretty meticulous) and continue to lose. More than that and I come to a crawl. :)

    I'm no martyr; if I could, I'd eat them all. I'd probably lick the plate after.