Very Low Calorie Foods



  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    Dried Wasabi Peas. 28gram is 120 calories and they take forever to eat. If you are a "grazer" they are great because they give you something to snack on, but they are so hot, they take forever to get through...
  • FlowerPower8579
    FlowerPower8579 Posts: 25 Member
    Fruit! Plus it’s nice to eat raw veggies.. or cooked, but raw saves time.
  • FlowerPower8579
    FlowerPower8579 Posts: 25 Member
    String cheese/ soya milk/ egg whites- cooked/ rice cakes
  • FlowerPower8579
    FlowerPower8579 Posts: 25 Member
    Also - have you had enough to drink? Sometimes we can mistake hunger for thirst. Perhaps have a drink before having a snack.
  • Iamnotasenior
    Iamnotasenior Posts: 235 Member
    If I'm hungry in the evening, I'll have a cup of no sugar added hot chocolate and 10 mini pretzels. All together it's about 110 calories and it kills my hunger.
  • mkeonem
    mkeonem Posts: 41 Member
    One of my favorite sides is baked cauliflower. Take a half a head or so, break it up, toss it with a tbsp or two of olive oil, salt, pepper, and bake at 350-375F until it's getting brown around the edges. Dip in low calorie ranch, or anything you want or just eat it like that. It's higher fiber, low calorie (if you watch how much oil you use), and baking it transforms the flavor. A large serving of it is low in calories and very filling.

    This is delicious, the other night I did half a head of cauliflower and a bunch of carrots I peeled and cut into similar sizes. It was great and low on calories for the volume of each serving :smile:
  • maggibailey
    maggibailey Posts: 289 Member
    I love cauliflower, I’m going to have to try baking it like that!
  • cc183g
    cc183g Posts: 12 Member
    Slimfast barbecue chips. 100c per bag. Really good.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Avocado has to be a fruit because it's seeded. A big giant seed on the inside. Like tomato would be a fruit.
  • Tibbens
    Tibbens Posts: 1 Member
    Spaghetti squash- low cal and can be substituted for pasta!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,665 Member
    besides above mentioned, for me it's non fat plain greek yogurt. My fav is the Kirkland brand from Costco, a close second is Chobani. Also I like to mix cool whip into it sometimes Others are: powdered peanut butter on low fat waffle or chocolate rice cake, or any rice cake, unsweetened applesauce, fat free half & half. A large salad
  • PastelDisaster
    PastelDisaster Posts: 1 Member
    KileyP1980 wrote: »
    I eat just fine LOL. I am not looking for proana tips or anything, just for those low cal foods you can snack on when you are pushing your calorie max.

    I think someone else on this thread pointed it out, but if you're genuinely hungry, don't worry so much about the calories: your body needs the food. High protein low sugar foods tend to leave you satisfied longer (e.g salmon, chickpeas, boiled egg), so those are good suggestions for that.

    For cravings, they tend to go away after 15 minutes or so but they're annoying so here are some suggestions:

    Tall glass of room-temperature water and:

    - individually wrapped hard candy (varies between 5 and 20 cal/piece depending on what it is, hard candies last longer so you feel more satisfied)
    - Chewing gum/bubblegum
    - Squares of dark chocolate (magnesium source)
    - Sweet fruit (grapes, apple, rasins, etc)

    - a cup of soup stock made up (doesn't matter what kind they're all salty)
    - Small portion of crisps (e.g pringles)
    - Miso soup
    - Tomato

    - Corn coblet
    - Crisps (as above)
    - Unbuttered air-popped popcorn (~20cal/cup ish)
    - Small portion of pasta (~35-40g dried)

    A nice sauce recipie I know is:
    100g tomato, 30g onion, pinch of salt, basil, 1/2 tsp garlic paste (~2 cloves), 1 tsp bolignase herbs, 1 tbsp lemon juice and 4tbsp water.
    Brown onions in pan, add everything else on medium heat and stir until it reaches desired consistency. Makes ~2 portions and is more than enough for a serve of pasta, it's nice with celery, 26 cal/batch. Kinda filling in its own imo.

    Fatty cravings:
    - Avocado
    - Light cruskit with cottage cheese and/or light cream cheese
    - Smoked salmon

    - pickles
    - Lettuce (add lemon juice and salt or another light dressing if you want)
    - Celery
    - Tomato
    - Mushrooms (stuffed mushrooms are Good *kitten*)
    - Cabbage
    - Wheatgrass
    - Bamboo shoots
    - Grapefruit
    - Watermelon
    - Strawberries

    The other commenters are right, there's technically no such thing as a 0-cal food.

    However, foods high in water have a very low caloric impact, and foods high in cellulose (basically all grasses, like bamboo and celery, for example) which when eaten in moderation generally take more energy to digest than they actually give because humans can't produce the enzymes necessary to process them (in this case cellulase).