Treadmill vs. street running



  • SoulOfALion5
    SoulOfALion5 Posts: 115 Member
    Road running all the time.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    JerSchmare wrote: »
    There’s a huge difference. The treadmill moves your feet for you. In the street, you have to propel yourself forward. I don’t know why people don’t understand how the mechanics are totally different.

    I have observed only a small difference in HR at similar speeds outdoors vs. treadmill. I might be able to run a few tenths of a MPH faster on the treadmill, and it feels pretty darned similar to running any flat course. Not sure why the mechanics would be significantly different. Sir Issac Newton would equate the two as being mechanically indistinguishable (although there are some small differences).
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    TM makes me nervous, because one misstep means I'm eating the floor/wall/treadmill behind me. vs on the road where I just stumble and keep going.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 962 Member
    2. Don't incline the TM. This will only cause injury. Nobody runs for an hour going up hill. Remember that you're not trying to replicate outside, you're just trying to run your mileage/time.
    3. The TM does not move your feet. If that were true we could all set the pace to 4:34 and break 2 hours in the marathon.
    4. Running on a TM is not easier. You can test this theory. Go out and run for an hour outside. Then run for an hour on a treadmill the next day. I'm pretty sure it's going to feel like a 60 minute run on both days.

    So to compare running on a TM to road running is no different from comparing road running to trail running. They're all different. What they all have in common is that they're all RUNNING. And that is really the only thing that matters.

    Great myth-busting post. I run on the TM all summer and that works just fine for me. Miles are miles.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    I find the treadmill feels easier than running on the road, but my road runs usually come in faster, so I guess without the speed regulation I'm pushing harder on the road. I use my treadmill runs to challenge myself to run x number of minutes a little faster than the previous workout. Outdoors I try to run a little further each time at a pace that feels slower to me (but a lot of times ends up being faster - go figure).

    I don't find the treadmill particularly boring, but it's because I zone into my music and get into a state where my mind is focused internally and not on how many minutes I have left before I can stop. A couple of times I've run right past whatever time limit I set for myself.

    I've only been running for about 5 months though, so take that into consideration...
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I guess this is the perfect time to ask if anyone else has tried a woodway. It turns out that my corporate gym bought one several months ago (not sure why). Hardly anyone uses it because they're used to the powered treadmill, but the point is that it is un-powered and thus goes at whatever pace you set. Also, the belt is curved to match your stride. (It has to be curved also to keep you in once place, as it is un-powered.)

    Like everyone else, my time is very short and I would really need to set aside an hour or more to even know if it could be something I'd like. Maybe I'll get around to it sometime!