Not eating enough.. HELP

Just looking for tips on how to get all your calories in for the day. I’m seriously not getting enough - and it might be lack of planning? Any and all advice is welcome


  • MsBecca22
    MsBecca22 Posts: 44 Member
    I suppose for information should’ve been given. I’m wanting to lose. I’ve been tracking my food and I eat around 1000-1200 calories a day and it’s been advised that I should have that number around 1800.
  • IronDogJourney
    IronDogJourney Posts: 117 Member
    I pack all my food for the day that I prep on Sundays and bring it to work with me. I eat every couple of hours like clockwork. Just calculate what you are eating..... and eat more. It helps to watch sad movies for some people ;)
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I consistently have this problem. I average 1000-1200 calories a day. Should be at 1500. But I eat completely healthy foods and I guess they just fill me up. I am making a conscious effort not to under eat so I'll make sure to eat a serving of almonds mid day, even if I am not hungry and add whole grain tortilla chips with my lunch. That usually gets me to my goal. If not, I'll have another small snack after dinner. I can't seem to increase what i eat at meals. I just can't finish it.

    I eat "completely healthy" foods and I eat for volume. 1000-1200 cals would leave me ravenous and wondering where the rest of my food was!

    OP, try pre planning your meals - if you struggle with volume, choose calorie dense foods. Try eating more often, add snacks or calorific drinks between meals. Also make sure you're actually logging accurately (weighing solids, measuring liquids, using correct database entries) and not just estimating your intake.
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    I consistently have this problem. I average 1000-1200 calories a day. Should be at 1500. But I eat completely healthy foods and I guess they just fill me up. I am making a conscious effort not to under eat so I'll make sure to eat a serving of almonds mid day, even if I am not hungry and add whole grain tortilla chips with my lunch. That usually gets me to my goal. If not, I'll have another small snack after dinner. I can't seem to increase what i eat at meals. I just can't finish it.

    I eat "completely healthy" foods and I eat for volume. 1000-1200 cals would leave me ravenous and wondering where the rest of my food was!

    OP, try pre planning your meals - if you struggle with volume, choose calorie dense foods. Try eating more often, add snacks or calorific drinks between meals. Also make sure you're actually logging accurately (weighing solids, measuring liquids, using correct database entries) and not just estimating your intake.

    It surprised me too haha. I'm only 3 months in to my lifestyle change and was very surprised to see the change in the amount of food I eat. But I'm just rolling with it haha!
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    I consistently have this problem. I average 1000-1200 calories a day. Should be at 1500. But I eat completely healthy foods and I guess they just fill me up. I am making a conscious effort not to under eat so I'll make sure to eat a serving of almonds mid day, even if I am not hungry and add whole grain tortilla chips with my lunch. That usually gets me to my goal. If not, I'll have another small snack after dinner. I can't seem to increase what i eat at meals. I just can't finish it.

    I eat "completely healthy" foods and I eat for volume. 1000-1200 cals would leave me ravenous and wondering where the rest of my food was!

    OP, try pre planning your meals - if you struggle with volume, choose calorie dense foods. Try eating more often, add snacks or calorific drinks between meals. Also make sure you're actually logging accurately (weighing solids, measuring liquids, using correct database entries) and not just estimating your intake.

    It surprised me too haha. I'm only 3 months in to my lifestyle change and was very surprised to see the change in the amount of food I eat. But I'm just rolling with it haha!

    Consistently undereating is not healthy. If you can't increase the amount of food you eat, change the type of food you eat. Add oil/butter to you cooking. Use different cuts of meat, full fat versions if you're picking "light" versions, starchy carbs etc

    That's what I'm working on incorporating into my diet. And I generally hate "light" versions of things. I'd rather go for the real, full version! I've been trying to research better, more fillling or calorie dense foods. I figure once I hit my goal and go to maintenance I will need a lot more options!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    MsBecca22 wrote: »
    Just looking for tips on how to get all your calories in for the day. I’m seriously not getting enough - and it might be lack of planning? Any and all advice is welcome

    Start planning if gaining/maintaining weight is important to you...

    And, peanut butter.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    OP, it can be a bit challenging at first. I had a challenging time when I got serious about this life style change. It gets easier. A lot easier.

    Have you looked into prepping your meals? That is something that really helped me. A lot. Once you do that, your life is a lot easier. And you will need to map everything out to do this properly.

    So, write down what you eat. Then put numbers to that. Both calories and macros. Then figure out how to fill in the gap. It will be a struggle but you will get it.
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    edited November 2017
    Adding toppings to your food is a good way get more calories.

    Sour cream, butter and oils (already mentioned), nuts, peanut butter, sauces, dressings, brown sugar, honey, chia seeds, etc.

    I'm surprised someone would find it difficult to eat 1000 calories a day. That is odd.
  • sgtx81
    sgtx81 Posts: 466 Member
    edited November 2017
    Is there something stopping you from just eating more? If someone is eating too many calories, they eat less, problem solved. If someone is not eating enough calories, they eat more, problem solved. Is it hard to make yourself eat? What's going on that you're not getting what you need?