Plant-Based Anyone?



  • Hopeyg57
    Hopeyg57 Posts: 7 Member
    Vegan here!
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Ovo-lacto vegetarian
  • greyphan
    greyphan Posts: 5 Member
    I’m vegan. I️ recently started eating more WFPB, previously I️ was a junk food vegan.
  • AmandaDanceMore
    AmandaDanceMore Posts: 298 Member
    Vegan who bounces between junk food vegan and kinda sorta WFPB. I try to eat mostly healthy foods, but I like little indulgences, too. But my diet choice is strictly ethical, not health based. I have seen improvements in some areas because of ditching dairy (I ditched meat a couple of years ago), but those improvements are a side effect of an ethical choice.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I am 100% plant based, after transitioning from vegetarian. Love it.
  • VeganManda
    VeganManda Posts: 2 Member
    Vegan here any of you can add me if you want
  • hoopsandsunshine
    I added you! I’m mostly vegan and post all my food intake and am looking for more plant based diaries to look at as well
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    I'm vegan. Ive been veg for 30 years and vegan for the last 3 years. I feel so good and love my diet! ❤️
  • marycp1962
    marycp1962 Posts: 6 Member
    I am also vegan. There are a few vegan "groups" on here -- some more active than others.
  • Danniinprogress
    Danniinprogress Posts: 12 Member
    I'm vegan (about 5 years), and I just started Dr.McDougalls maximum weight loss plan. Im in live with it! If you are new to plant based eating I recommend checking out his work.
  • sarahjlotz
    sarahjlotz Posts: 1 Member
    How do you add someone? Recently started a plant based diet and need meal ideas!!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,169 Member
    In two days, I'll be celebrating my 6 year veganversary...feel free to add me :) I'm on here daily to give and get encouragement!
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    edited February 2018
    Just realized this is kind of an old thread, but with some new posts added...I'd love to have some plant based friends if they are interested in commenting, sharing ideas, etc. I've been on MFP for over 3 years, and most of my friends (I keep the number small) are not plant-based, though I have been plant-based--mostly vegan but with occasional ovo-lacto- lapses--for 28 years. I can usually make MFP's default protein goal, but I would struggle getting up to 130+ grams of protein. I'm older and doing strength training, so I'm going to see what i can do. Not a huge fan of protein powders, but I'm experimenting with some. Good to see so many plant based folks all in one place!
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    I added you! I’m mostly vegan and post all my food intake and am looking for more plant based diaries to look at as well

    I too am unclear how to add someone. Any info anyone? I have been WFPB (with relaps) for about a year. Does anyone else get the “deprived” feeling andncave in? I truly believe in WFPB, but sometimes it is so hard to stick with it. I need a good kick! I would love it if this group became “active”!
  • plantbasedbreezy
    plantbasedbreezy Posts: 33 Member
    edited February 2018
    I've been vegan for about 8 months now. Trying to eat more plant based and less 'junk food vegan' recently. Anyone looking for some foodspiration and support, feel free to add me. I would love to have more friends!
  • KatharynAnne
    KatharynAnne Posts: 1 Member
    I have been vegetarian for nearly 5 years, vegan for about half that. I’ve dabbled in raw veganism too. Always plant based. A few things to note:

    There are no medically documented cases of protein deficiency in calorie sufficient diets. Now, I know most of us are here to lose weight and are trying to run 200-300 calorie deficits to do so, just eat some sort of bean/legume or add nuts/seeds. I personally choose the beans bc they are way more satisfying to me.

    Keeping in mind that approximately 10% of the North American population cuts meat out of their diet (last stat I heard, no reference) supplement companies don’t produce for just 10% of the population. Nutrient deficiencies are a modern times issue because soil is void of most nutrients and that follows up the food chain. While eating a whole foods omnivorous diet my hemoglobin and iron was so low I needed a blood transfusion and was instructed to take B12.

    My recommendations would be to (consult your doctor and) get your blood tested for a baseline. Hgb, ferritin, B12, Vit D as a minimum. Add calcium, magnesium too, and cholesterol to compare down the road. It is possible to over do it on supplements to the point of toxicity, especially with iron.

    ps. I’m a nurse.
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    To add someone, you click on their name until you get to their profile page. There, to the right of their photo, you'll see green buttons : Send Message, View Diary, Add as Friend. Click Add as Friend to add them.
  • ThinGoldLineNS
    ThinGoldLineNS Posts: 265 Member
    Feel free to add me. Transitioning to WFPB
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I have been vegetarian for nearly 5 years, vegan for about half that. I’ve dabbled in raw veganism too. Always plant based. A few things to note:

    There are no medically documented cases of protein deficiency in calorie sufficient diets. Now, I know most of us are here to lose weight and are trying to run 200-300 calorie deficits to do so, just eat some sort of bean/legume or add nuts/seeds. I personally choose the beans bc they are way more satisfying to me.

    Keeping in mind that approximately 10% of the North American population cuts meat out of their diet (last stat I heard, no reference) supplement companies don’t produce for just 10% of the population. Nutrient deficiencies are a modern times issue because soil is void of most nutrients and that follows up the food chain. While eating a whole foods omnivorous diet my hemoglobin and iron was so low I needed a blood transfusion and was instructed to take B12.

    My recommendations would be to (consult your doctor and) get your blood tested for a baseline. Hgb, ferritin, B12, Vit D as a minimum. Add calcium, magnesium too, and cholesterol to compare down the road. It is possible to over do it on supplements to the point of toxicity, especially with iron.

    ps. I’m a nurse.

    Yes, but the ill effects of not enough protein can set in before a clinical protein deficiency begins. For example, someone who wants to retain their lean muscle mass while losing weight needs a certain amount of protein to do that. They can fall short of that amount (and lose more muscle than they need to) without ever getting close to what doctors would term a protein deficiency. This is why people who are on a deficit, active people, and older people often should pay more attention to protein.
  • dmankruoss
    dmankruoss Posts: 14 Member
    Most people consume way too much protein. You really don't need that much at all. Im 6ft 206lbs and eat roughly 110g a day at most. I suggest you read "proteinaholic " by Garth Davis.