Just a quick hello and a call-out for motivation!

Hi everyone,

My name's Georgie, I'm 19 and a student at University. I started using myfitnesspal 2 weeks ago again after finally pulling my finger out and deciding to do something about achieving the body I want.

I've always daydreamed about being slimmer but have never attacked weight loss with enough determination and motivation to make it work. I've always been active, and play Korfball for my Uni (don't worry, hardly anybody knows what it is!) and I horse ride as well. I used to play Basketball competitively but after 2 hip surgeries last year, I am no longer permitted to play. I think that the combination of the recovery time after surgery and the bad University lifestyle have both contributed to me ballooning.

I'm a tall girl and naturally curvy - I'm 5'10" with 30H boobs! - and started off weighing a shameful 168lbs. I know that's still in the 'healthy weight' bracket but it's at the high end and I'm pretty sure a muffin top isn't ideal :p My current goal weight is 150lbs but I am losing weight more to feel happy and confident rather than hit a number. I'm eating better, drinking less and exercising more and hope to tone up more over the rest of Summer.

So yeah, congrats if you read my little essay! I've never really done the forum thing before so thought why not give it a crack! I'm just really looking for some motivation and helpful advice :)