Looking for exercise ideas

At the moment I am taking a "P.E." class at my college and it incorporates weight machines and lap swimming Monday - Thursday since it is a short summer semester. I signed up for this class because it would make me get out of the house and exercise but I think this class is a bit much for me, at least until I work up to it. Right now I do great on Monday, OK on Tuesday, by Wednesday I am sooo tired I feel like I need to take a day off, and by Thursday I am so tired that I end up making sloppy mistakes and injuring myself. I think I would do a lot better if I were to split things up some like swimming M/W/F and some other type of exercises T/Th/S ect. My question is what should I do on the days I am not swimming? I can join the gym at school relatively cheap so I was thinking about that but I wanted to know what you guys think.

Thanks :)


  • mlnick69
    mlnick69 Posts: 84
    Lifting is very good as it helps to increase muscle mass, raise your metabolism and when you do lose the weight what is finally revealed will look excellent.

    You might want to consider strength training with all compound exercises. You wont focus on a certain muscle but groups of muscle. A decent routine would be something like:

    Squats or leg presses if there is no smith machine
    Incline Bench Press
    Lat pull downs, close grip, palms in, Or better yet pull ups if your able
    Upright rows
    Planks, front, left and right

    Go heavy on weights. 5 reps x 3-5 sets. Use free weights, dumbbells when you can.