Best Exercises for Sustained Indoor Activity

So, hi everyone.

Was just curious to see what you all thought about good cardio exercises to do indoors, at home, and without a whole lot of space.

It's cold (would rather stay in if I could), I'm poor (so a gym isn't an option), and my house is pretty small. Any ideas for a good workout that will keep my heart going? Something comparable to walking, but indoors.

I need to get a treadmill...but until then, I'm kind of stuck.

Does anyone know if walking in place really does anything? Or would I be better off doing something like sets of push ups, sit ups, leg raises, etc?


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I do everything outside no matter what. but. stairs..... they kill me.i jump rope too, that kills me too.
  • ianatkinson1971
    ianatkinson1971 Posts: 1 Member
    Try burpees, sit ups and push ups.
  • Skelders88
    Skelders88 Posts: 37 Member
    I do everything outside no matter what. but. stairs..... they kill me.i jump rope too, that kills me too.

    hmm, I have a staircase, no equipment needed. I also thought about buying just a basic stepper. Might also do the trick. I like doing stuff outside, but it's not easy when it's in the 30s, and our neighborhood isn't exactly walker friendly. I do have a jumprope though - just bought one. I'll have to fight the cold long enough to try that. Thanks!
    Try burpees, sit ups and push ups.

    Burpees is a good idea. Sit ups and push ups were my go-to in high school. Do you think they're more geared towards weight loss or muscle building?
  • bee_bee8
    bee_bee8 Posts: 96 Member
    I found this machine on Amazon about a year ago and asked my boyfriend to get it for me for christmas:

    I was in the same situation as you: couldn't exercise outside (too hot here, usually), not enough money/space for a full machine. That "elliptical" (I would compare it more closely to a stepper or even a stationary bike) really helped me turn things around. I've used it almost every single day for nearly a year and am down over 40 lbs. I just sit in a chair (you can use it standing or sitting) and pedal away. I started out on low resistance doing just 15-20 minute sessions; now I have the resistance cranked up almost as high as it can go and do 45-60 minute sessions. I'm really amazed to have made so much progress with such a simple little machine. Hopefully it can help you too!
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
  • Skelders88
    Skelders88 Posts: 37 Member
    bee_bee8 wrote: »
    I found this machine on Amazon about a year ago and asked my boyfriend to get it for me for christmas:

    I was in the same situation as you: couldn't exercise outside (too hot here, usually), not enough money/space for a full machine. That "elliptical" (I would compare it more closely to a stepper or even a stationary bike) really helped me turn things around. I've used it almost every single day for nearly a year and am down over 40 lbs. I just sit in a chair (you can use it standing or sitting) and pedal away. I started out on low resistance doing just 15-20 minute sessions; now I have the resistance cranked up almost as high as it can go and do 45-60 minute sessions. I'm really amazed to have made so much progress with such a simple little machine. Hopefully it can help you too!

    Awesome! Thanks for pointing this out. I bought a cheaper version of something like this for my ex a long time ago, and it was okay, but...well...really cheap. I like that you can stand up on this one if you want. I just might have to give this a go.

    Thanks again!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited November 2017
    Leslie Sansone or Jessica Smith "walking" style workouts. These are simple (mostly) low impact you can do in just a small space. These are on-line or DVD. Check your library for DVDs.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Jump rope sounds like a great idea!

    Check out Craig's list and ask around to see if anyone has a machine they want to get rid of. I have had about six people try to give me theirs, it's common for people to buy exercise machines and never use them and want the space back. My stationary bike got me through the long cold winter last year.

    I like Zumba and mixing up different routines on YouTube. FitnessBlender is great and I also like PopSugar's different guest routines because they help me find new people and activities.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I think the little steppers provide a limited improvement over marching or running in place, if any.

    Check our all the free videos at popsugar fitness. There's an indoor workout for almost anybody:
  • Skelders88
    Skelders88 Posts: 37 Member
    edited November 2017
    Jump rope sounds like a great idea!

    Check out Craig's list and ask around to see if anyone has a machine they want to get rid of. I have had about six people try to give me theirs, it's common for people to buy exercise machines and never use them and want the space back. My stationary bike got me through the long cold winter last year.

    I like Zumba and mixing up different routines on YouTube. FitnessBlender is great and I also like PopSugar's different guest routines because they help me find new people and activities.

    Ah, Craig's list is a great idea. YouTube also has a ton of content for different routines and stuff. Good ideas all-around. Thank you!
    I think the little steppers provide a limited improvement over marching or running in place, if any.

    Check our all the free videos at popsugar fitness. There's an indoor workout for almost anybody:

    Thanks for the link. I appreciate it!
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Leslie Sansone or Jessica Smith "walking" style workouts. These are simple (mostly) low impact you can do in just a small space. These are on-line or DVD. Check your library for DVDs.

    Awesome! Sounds like a good collection of videos. Walking style workouts seems like they'd be fairly effective just for sustained cardio!
    aeloine wrote: »

    Thanks! My sister and ex both loved zumba. I should probably look into it too! Dancing always burns calories, so dancing designed as a sort of workout ought to work really well. :P

    Thanks for the replies everyone.