Not really new, but I never said hi!

calaurith Posts: 5 Member
edited November 2017 in Introduce Yourself
I'm Caleigh,and I have used MFP to lose 24 lbs so far! Got a bit to go still, but I'm loving the journey. Add me!

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  • smelalinda60
    smelalinda60 Posts: 4 Member
    I to am not new here. But have tried a couple times with MFP and seem to always come back here. This is the first time I have come to the conclusion. It is a daily struggle both with healthy eating and exercise. I have a lot of stress in my home
    Husband with epilepsy and adult son with type 1 diabetes and heart disease at age 36. I am 67 with heart disease and have arthritis in knees and hip. So it is a struggle every day. I use my neighbors stairs for exercise 5 days a week. But don't seem to get any other form of exercise done. No motivation. Now winter is around the corner. Brrr I live in Michigan. I know how to cook and eat healthy just no motivation.
  • tikinibz
    tikinibz Posts: 6 Member
    Hey it's never too late to start and with your family you can be the light that helps them as well!