Suggestions to stop boredom eating



  • diwijo13
    diwijo13 Posts: 106 Member
    I've also really taken to TV workouts, it's like a fun game while I watch True Blood or Dexter(15 push ups when we see fangs, 15 squats for sex, 15 jumping jacks when Dexter's in voice over etc) I feel good about sneaking a little extra calisthenics in. :) Hope this helps!


    I love this idea!
  • If you take a break and do 10 minutes of exercise, like running up and down stairs, doing jumping jacks, walking or running in place, etc., you not only get rid of the boredom but "earn" calories that you can eat. There are a lot of workout videos with 6-minute or 10-minute segments. Figure out how many calories these things burn and then you can log them into your diary and get to eat more! Maybe other people where you work would even want to join you for workout segments a couple of times a day.
  • so true
    the lazy part when watching biggest losser lol