Weekend drinking



  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I drink every weekend and I grew up to be fine. Healthy living should not mean to give up things you enjoy. Try to make smarter choices and don't go for too many sugary drinks. Work harder during the week.
    Don't drink and drive.
    Don't get pregnant.
    Good luck.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Offer to be the designated driver.
    Drink water.
    Go places that you can dance.

    This is good. I did the being the driver thing a few weeks ago.
  • kavahni
    kavahni Posts: 313 Member
    Order soda water/lime. Tip the bartender and drink for tip cost all night. Throw back once an hour at most.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Is your problem that you want to drink or that you want to be out being social with friends? If it's the second one I will pass along my trick from my college days...

    So we all have those friends that are like "you need another beer!!" and if you say no everyone thinks you are no fun. I used to get one beer, drink it, and keep going to the bathroom and refilling it with water. This only works with cans or dark bottles. Then when someone would ask if I needed another..."nope just got one, still full!!"

    No one ever noticed that I hadn't just gotten one mostly cause everyone else got progressively drunk and I kept sipping at my water the rest of the night. I was never dubbed a buzzkill, didn't have an excess of alcohol calories (and here's the now mom in me talking), was safe to drive home and never had a hangover!

    ETA: I was also a champ at waterfall during circle of death.

    Kind of genius. Luckily i 1. Dont care if im a buzz kill if someone thinks i am for not drinking thats their problem not mine lol and 2. Have no friends LOL. But this little trick is noted in my brain now lol
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Did anyone mention "banking" calories for the weekend?
  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Did anyone mention "banking" calories for the weekend?

    It's an idea however if the person is following a 1200 calorie diet.. and are probably only doing that because they set MFP to 2lbs per week then banking calories for alcohol is even less healthy then eating their aggressive calorie goal
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Good point. I couldn't bank on 1200. I bank on 1500 though!
  • toesinarow
    toesinarow Posts: 17 Member
    edited November 2017
    I think drinking is fine as long as you are in control and are moderating. If you're getting fall-down drunk and waking up hungover, you're probably consuming thousands of calories over your target if you include hangover food. I know from experience that drinking on the weekends CAN undo a whole week's hard work. I used to box 4-5 days/week for years and got in really good shape, but then got into drinking heavily and started gaining weight back regardless. When I stopped trainig I was heavier than when i started. We're talking fat, not muscle.

    If being social without drinking is a problem, maybe plan some events that don't revolve around it. Limit your drinking to a specific, planned day and have a drink limit in mind. Log the calories in advance. Good luck!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Hello! So i was wondering if anyone had any advice about weekend drinking. I know I just shouldnt drink but im 21 so its hard to go out and not. Any tips, tricks or advice ? Thank you !

    Don't drink until you are drunk.
    Don't pig out when you have a buzz.
    Don't order sugary drinks that contain 1/3 of your daily calories in one glass.
    Be safe.
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    I can't help you too much because this is still a struggle of mine. What I will say is that finding a drink that you want to sip rather than chug makes a real difference. I love beer and it definitely adds up but I have recently discovered a liking for dark, strong beers. These type of beers are tasty but you have to drink them slowly to enjoy them. My friends are beer aficionados so they understand this and I end up having two beers on a night out rather than 6!
  • amyepdx
    amyepdx Posts: 750 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    tyrindor wrote: »
    amyepdx wrote: »
    Just drink. Who cares about the calories.....you’ll be fine if you just work a little harder during the week.

    Uh, we’re here because we care about the calories. A weekend of drinking can wipe out a week’s deficit for some.

    Not unless you are drinking like 20+ beers, or running a very small deficit (like 100-200 a day). 100-150 calories a can isn't that much. Most people can eat to their deficit goal, drink 5-6 cans, and still be at a "maintain" level for that day. It doesn't undo an entire week of dieting, you just don't "lose" for that day.

    Plus, if you drink more or want to maintain a deficit 7 days/week, it's as easy as counting those beer calories and offsetting them throughout the next week. It's easy to offset an additional 500-1500 calories over 7 days.

    For many of us, drinking also increases appetite and lowers inhibitions about overeating. So we consume more than just the 500 or whatever calories from booze.

    And for me, I don't sleep well, and so am hungrier the next day, and less motivated to exercise. So there is less of a deficit the next day as well.

    For me, drinking is a major impediment to weight loss.

    You just described my past Sunday night ...sigh
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    imacamper wrote: »
    I enjoy drinking but in my experience, alcohol halts weight loss regardless of calories. Here's a link that explains the science behind that:


    100 % not true that alcohol halts weight loss.

    I drank almost every day when I was losing weight and continue to do so now in maintenance (coming up on 2 years).
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    imacamper wrote: »
    I enjoy drinking but in my experience, alcohol halts weight loss regardless of calories. Here's a link that explains the science behind that:


    Thanks for the link. The science there is solid, and the conclusion that light to moderate drinking may not be a problem but that heavy drinking most certainly is, is the take-away.

  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    Just dont do what I did last night and drink almost an entire pint of vodka with sprite and cranberry juice.. It's 1,024 in the whole thing. Wish I would have known that last night.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I drink about 5 days a week. Typically on the weekends, I consume more calories in the form of beer than I do in food. I stick to IPA. In between IPAs, I drink Corona Light. When we are doing heavy drinking, it's usually at a social event, so at least I'm moving around. And, we usually just stick to drinks and take care of any food that we need to have before we go.

    For example, this is my intake from last Saturday. I have a very busy job, so there wasn't much time for food. We also spent 6 hours afterwards running around with friends, which is where we were drinking. So that helped burn some of it off.

    Breakfast - Quest bar, apple - 260 cals
    1 hour workout before work - 30 min HIIT cardio, 30 min kettle bell training
    Post workout- Monster Zero
    Lunch- Quest bar - 180 cals
    Dinner- 3/4 of a rainbow roll, 2 bites of steak - estimated 500 cals
    Out - 4 bottles of Lagunitas IPA (720 cals), 2 bottles of Corona lite(200 cals), 1 can bud lite (110)
    Total alcohol cals - 1030
    Total food cals - 940

    Basically, plan before you go and leave yourself enough calories. Avoid fruity mixed cocktails and heavy, dark beers. If you need a mixer, go with diet coke, sugar free red bull or soda water.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    tyrindor wrote: »
    amyepdx wrote: »
    Just drink. Who cares about the calories.....you’ll be fine if you just work a little harder during the week.

    Uh, we’re here because we care about the calories. A weekend of drinking can wipe out a week’s deficit for some.

    Not unless you are drinking like 20+ beers, or running a very small deficit (like 100-200 a day). 100-150 calories a can isn't that much. Most people can eat to their deficit goal, drink 5-6 cans, and still be at a "maintain" level for that day. It doesn't undo an entire week of dieting, you just don't "lose" for that day.

    Plus, if you drink more or want to maintain a deficit 7 days/week, it's as easy as counting those beer calories and offsetting them throughout the next week. It's easy to offset an additional 500-1500 calories over 7 days.

    For many of us, drinking also increases appetite and lowers inhibitions about overeating. So we consume more than just the 500 or whatever calories from booze.

    And for me, I don't sleep well, and so am hungrier the next day, and less motivated to exercise. So there is less of a deficit the next day as well.

    For me, drinking is a major impediment to weight loss.

    Back in the days when staying out late and closing down the bars was my thing, it was almost mandatory to hit the nearest restaurant ending in "to's" (Alberto's, Roberto's, Rigoberto's, Rupertito's, etc.) for a carne asada burrito and six rolled tacos with guacamole at 3:00 am. The calories from whatever I was drinking that night were nothing compared to the epic booze-fueled early morning feasts.