Hi everyone :)

sez8288 Posts: 17 Member
Hi there,
Im Sarah, I'm 25years old, 5ft 2in and 133.4lbs.
I previously lost 28lb (2stone) for my wedding by following slimming world, I then put 14lb (1stone) back on after my wedding.
I am aiming to get to 126lb (9st), I have tried juicing diets in attempt to get a quick fix (which worked but I couldn't keep it up) and I have now realised that I need to make a real and long lasting change in my life.

I have started running (okay...jogging/fast walking:tongue: ) with my hubby and the dog and have also been doing 20mins a day on the stationary bike. Juicing did teach me that I will drink the juice of vegetables that I would never normally eat and I actually like juicing, so I am going to juice at least once a day (breakfast and/or lunch). Plus a healthy meal in the evening.

I am fed up with dieting though so I am not banning anything, I am just going to be sensible. Better to CHOSE not to have something than to feel like I CANT right?!

Anyway, thats me, please do add me as a friend on here, I need all the help I can get to stay on track :smile: