Who Are Your Go-To "Gurus"?

tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
We all know there is a ton of information (and misinformation) out there with regards to weight loss, fitness and nutrition.

One way I have found of cutting through the crap (or at least seemingly so) is to find fitness experts that I like - and then delve into all of their work. Also, when I find someone who's work I find either uninformed, biased or scammy, I know I can avoid them (Lustig, Vince Delmonte and Dr. Oz come to mind).

I don't only search out those "gurus" (hate that word) that agree with me - everyone on my list below has challenged and changed the way I think about fitness and nutrition in some way.

My absolute favorites:

Eric Helms
Alan Aragon

These two guys have taught me an absolute wealth of things. I like them both because they have a ton of credentials (Google them) and they can explain complex ideas in common terms. As an added bonus they both seem like nice guys and they are overall pleasant. That might not mean a great deal to some people but if you follow these people long enough - it matters IMO.

That said, below are guys I have also learned a lot from but their online personas aren't always as enjoyable to follow (clearly this is my own subjective opinion).

Lyle McDonald
Martin Berkhan
Ian McCarthy

I find all of them very informative but don't find their online personalities as engaging for different reasons.

Some other people I follow (haven't followed these people enough to put them in the above lists)...

Dr. Layne Norton: Just getting into him actually - interested in his work surrounding metabolic damage especially.

Sohee Lee: haven't really followed her too much, but once read a great blog post about sustainability of diet.

Jason Blaha: Very recently introduced to him - liked the few videos I watched.

Campbell Fitness: So recently introduced to this guy I can't think of his first name. Great info and engaging personality on the few vids I have watched.

Isa Ollson - She doesn't actually have a ton of info out there, but I think she is adorable and I lurv her. I use pics of her to show my female friends that lifting doesn't make you "bulky".


This is a whole separate subject iMO - I have a whole other lsit of people I follow for motivation but to keep this long winded post slightly less long I'll throw out my fav motivational names...Eric Thomas, CT Flether and Shawn Achor.

Who do you guys use for information or even motivation? Any "gurus" that you voraciously follow?


  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    Haha I definitely am in love with Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper. Just saying!
    But my mom is my guru :) She's a nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and fitness instructor. I love her adivce!
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    No one.
    I know I should eat less calories than I burn, I know to keep fat & sodium low. I don't really need to know anything else.
  • FitbitVanessa
    FitbitVanessa Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in for the mayhem when someone answers Dr. Oz.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    It's funny... I used to have a whole list of people (Alan, Lyle and Layne were all right at the top). But I've started putting less stock in what they say most of the time. That's not because I think it's wrong, I just wonder how applicable it is.

    Most people can't write an article, book, whatever that pertains to you because something about you - your goals, your preferences, your dedication, etc. - will cause you to fall outside the scope of their writing in some way. I'd much rather have discussions with people who are less of an "expert", but who take the time to listen to my goals and my limitations. That leads to a FAR more meaningful exchange of information.

    I still read a lot of their stuff and try to learn what I can. But when it comes to applying things to my goals, training, lifestyle, etc - nothing beats an actual conversation.

    So with all that said, if I had to list people, I'd say:

  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    Mark Sisson
    Jimmy Moore
    Tom Naughton
    Rob Wolff
    Vinnie Tortorich
    Abel James
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Alan Aragon and Layne Norton are my 2 go to guys
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    No one.
    I know I should eat less calories than I burn, I know to keep fat & sodium low. I don't really need to know anything else.
    Oh, I hope you do some research -- fat is healthy and essential. Even Harvard doesn't recommend a low fat diet any more and the CDC just released a report suggesting there is no benefit in reducing salt and it may actually be harmful!


    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    -Dr. James Johnson, author of The Alternate Day Diet (alternate day intermittent fasting)-his plan was what I used to lose my weight :heart:
    -Dr. Michael Mosley, BBC documentaries and author of The Fast Diet (another intermittent fasting advocate)
    -Martin Berkhan-from leangains (18/6 IF advocate)
    -Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of Eat to Live etc etc
    -Michael Pollan, author of Omnivores Dilemma, documentary Food Inc etc.

    -Mark Lauren, author of the strength training books, You Are Your Own Gym and Body By You :love:
  • debaloo
    debaloo Posts: 129 Member
    I have been on many plans over the years and the people attached to those plans were my gurus of the moment.

    After many years of experience dieting, and now that I am in nursing school, I now have a better idea of how the body works and what works for me.

    That being said, my current guru is Chris Powell because I am following his carb cycling plan. It has worked like a charm so far. After the first month I have lost 10 lbs. I chose this because I am insulin resistant and have PCOS. Normal calorie counting wasn't working.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member

    Most people can't write an article, book, whatever that pertains to you because something about you - your goals, your preferences, your dedication, etc. - will cause you to fall outside the scope of their writing in some way. I'd much rather have discussions with people who are less of an "expert", but who take the time to listen to my goals and my limitations. That leads to a FAR more meaningful exchange of information.

    I still read a lot of their stuff and try to learn what I can. But when it comes to applying things to my goals, training, lifestyle, etc - nothing beats an actual conversation.

    I do agree with this - and this is actually a big issue for me since I was (and still am) so overweight. Helms for example focuses much more on bodybuilders and powerlifters who are already at a good weight. Even the weight loss/fat loss experts are usually focusing on people who are obese but not morbidly so.

    I have looked through a LOT of work from the people I have mentioned and I think I have found one article that refers to very very obese people - and it was a Lyle McDonald article that was more about how trainer should approach training those people.

    And in fact - that reminds me that I made a huge omission. One of my current favorite places to get info is the:

    Eat, Train, Progress group right here on MFP ran by Sarah and Sidesteel. Besides being a wealth of rational information, that group forum also allows more back and forth than you would get following the other people I mentioned.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    No one.
    I know I should eat less calories than I burn, I know to keep fat & sodium low. I don't really need to know anything else.

    The statement you made right before you said you don't need to know anything else, shows just how much you don't know. Insulin resistance as a result of a high carb, low fat diet is the single largest cause of non-communicable disease, like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity...
  • Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz are both great!
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    No one.
    I know I should eat less calories than I burn, I know to keep fat & sodium low. I don't really need to know anything else.

    The statement you made right before you said you don't need to know anything else, shows just how much you don't know. Insulin resistance as a result of a high carb, low fat diet is the single largest cause of non-communicable disease, like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity...

    Agreed. You should be getting healthy fats! :) (lean read meats, avocados, almonds, etc) :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Eat, Train, Progress group right here on MFP ran by Sarah and Sidesteel. Besides being a wealth of rational information, that group forum also allows more back and forth than you would get following the other people I mentioned.

    Agreed. I don't post much in there, but I do read a fair bit of their stuff.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    physiqueofgreatness and Omarisuf on youtube.com
  • flynnem4
    flynnem4 Posts: 22 Member
    Richard Simmons is my mood guru. Teaching you to value yourself and get up and move because you're worth taking care of is a wonderful message and he always peps me up to keep going!
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Nia Shanks and fat2fitradio.com :}
  • Mine was Jillian Michaels
    till I seen the you tube video saying shes a fraud
  • Noone