Fitbit BMR

I'm new to this device, but not to fitness trackers! Help, this seems super off to me. I started with a step tracker only (Garmin) and it gave me ~2000 calories burned daily with my fitness level. That made sense to me. Then I got a MS Band with a heart rate monitor, and again ~2000 calories a day. Now I got my fitbit, and its giving me 2000 calories on days where I don't do anything but wander around the house and 2700 on the days where I run 4 miles. Seems insanely high to me, and I don't want to start eating more, and end up gaining back! I have my settings correct (I thought maybe I had set it up accidentally as male).
Is this something I have to just live with and not use it to help me track my fitness calories, or can i tell it that my BMR is WAY lower than they think it is?


  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    1) You're talking about TDEE, not BMR. BMR is the amount of calories you'd burn if you laid in bed and didn't move all day - it's what your body burns just to keep you alive and functioning. TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is the amount of calories you burn when you factor in all your daily movement, exercise, etc.

    2) It's not unusual that it would show a higher calorie expenditure on days you run 4 miles as opposed to days you don't. 700 calories is quite likely an inflated number, which is why many people advise eating back 50% of your exercise calories and adjusting based upon the results you see on the scale over time.