First day

Kelle29 Posts: 14
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself

I have hit my highest ever weight. I think I put it off as I dont think I particularly look how heavy I really am (I carry it on hips and am hourglass shape). I weighed to come on here today and realised I need to lose about 10 to 12 stone to get to my ideal weight and that is very scary!


  • mcclungjess
    mcclungjess Posts: 9 Member
    I understand is it that it's so easy to gain and so hard to lose??? Good luck to you!
  • apexmomof5
    apexmomof5 Posts: 16
    Best of luck - you can do it!
  • Kelle29
    Kelle29 Posts: 14
    I know. I was definately avoiding it but to have not noticed another 7 lbs I am quite angry with myself
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    Don't get angry. . . Get even. Use the "energy" towards tackling some aspect of getting healthier.

    I've only be playing in this MFP sandbox for two weeks. The tools and support here are better than any other thing I've tried.

    The first weeks here, I paid attention to honestly logging in what I ate. Amazing thing :tongue: is if I'm writing it down, I suddenly make better choices. And I lost 4 pounds.

    Now, I'm going to focus on the thing that I hate to do ~~~ exercise. But if I exercise, I get more wiggle room in allowed calories. I respond much better to the carrot than I do to the stick. And for me exercising is just moving more ~ walks and garden work. Once I've got the moving more part down, I'll move on to, scary for me anyway, is the weight training.

    So pick an aspect of your life that contributes to your weight gain, and work on that. And when you've got that under control, move to the next.

    At least that's my plan.
  • Kelle29
    Kelle29 Posts: 14
    Thanks Lainmac, makes sense!
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Hi Kelle you can do it ,we will help each other along :)
  • Kelle29
    Kelle29 Posts: 14
    Day 1 properly now:

    No snacks yet. Exercised for 30 mins :) Not a bad start. Plus I weighed in as last night i weighed after dinner etc and I am a few lbs lighter.
  • gchick64
    gchick64 Posts: 73 Member
    always weigh in the morning :) you'll feel much better with yourself, good luck!
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